Poseta Sestri i Njenoj Porodici u Novom Sadu ( Scroll for English Version)

„Postoje osećanja koja se mogu opisati samo na maternjem jeziku“, rekla mi je nedavno osoba veoma bliska mom srcu. Zagrljaj moje sestre i njenog petomesečnog sina upravo je jedan takav osećaj. Zato bih ga opisala isključivo “na naškom”.

Posle noći provedene na Fruškoj Gori, uputila sam se kod moje voljene sestre (@lazinamama) i njenog supruga u Novi Sad. Dočekao me je osmeh njihovog preslatkog sina Lazara, kog sam poslednji put videla pre karantina u februaru, kada se rodio. Popile smo kafu na balkonu uz zalazak sunca i uzivale u Lazinim vragolijama.

Za 5 meseci kako se nismo videle obe smo prosle kroz velike promene. Ona se za to vreme iskusila kao mlada majka. Posle 7 meseci rizične trudnoće u toku koje je vreme provodila u stanu da bi bebica bezbedno rasla, provela je jos pet meseci kući, ne želeći da se igra sa zdravljem svoje bebice, bez obzira na istinitost još jednog novog nam posluženog “vandrednog stanja” u Srbiji i “nerazumevanja” od strane prijatelja.

Za to vreme sam ja u Beču ovaj cirkus od separacije pod maskama iskoristila da poradim na sebi, da konačno ukrotim svoje neiscrpne rezervoare energije i usmerim ih na ostvarenje višeg cilja, jednog, a ne minimum pedeset odjednom, kako sam to kroz moj život vilenjaka uvek radila.

Nas tri, zajedno sa našom sestrom Jelenom, jako smo bliske i samim tim smo uvek u toku šta se kod koje od nas dogadja. Pet meseci se mora pod hitno nadoknaditi, što će potrajati, tako smo da za mesto razmene informacija izabrale Dunavski park. Odlično mesto da se sa malim Lazom zajedno uzemljimo, da se ugnezdimo u više stotina godina stara kvantna tela drveća i harmonizujemo se sa prirodom, da balansiramo ove frekvencije buke novosadskih automobila.

Ponele smo ćebe i raspakovale se ispod ogromnog drveta i navalile na proju, koju je moja seka sinoć ispekla. Lazu je uspavao svež vezduh, cvrkut ptica i mamin nežan glasić koji je pevušio dečije pesmice.

Divno je gledati moju najmlađu seku koliko uživa u ulozi majke, koliko sve radi od srca. Sa osmehom je pratila svaki Lazin pokret i radovala se svakom njegovom osmehu.

Tetka mu je pevala omiljenu pesmu iz detinjstva druge tetke, naše seke Jelene:
“Na širokom carskom drumu što preseca prašumu, sreli su se beli slon i jedan crni telefon...”

Laza je toliko bio oduševljen našim raspevanim frekvencijama, da je rešio da nam pokaže kako je uspešno savladao “lotus pozu”:

Smejale smo se do suza Lazinim vragolijama i radovale se što smo konačno zajedno. Odjednom je na nas počela da viče gospođa koja je verovatno zadužena za održavanje reda u parku, kako ne sme da se leži i sedi na travi, jer postoji mogućnost da nam na glavu padne grana od drveta 🤔: “niste videle tablu??? Na šta liči da svi gazite travu i da se tu igrate sa decom?”

Odgovorila sam joj da je majka Zemlja moj dom i da dete treba da se uzemlji kao i mi odrasli i da trava kao i parkovi nisu za gledanje nego za oporavak, tako da mi ne pada na pamet da se pomerim odavde. Može da slobodno da pozove koga god, pa neka mi objasni zašto je na ovo malo zelene površine u gradu zabranjeno dovoditi decu. Ostale smo još dugo u parku, ali se niko nije pojavio da nas prosvetli.

Mnogi su nam se pridružili u raznim aktivnostima na travi. Jedan simpatičan dečkić legao je da čita knjigu, dok je sa druge strane mama sa devojčicom hranila golubove.

Dok je seka uspavljivala Lazu, trknula sam do preslatkog zelenog kafića u sred parka, da nam donesem kaficu.

Seka mi je uz kaficu ispričala kako oseća da su odlično organizovani sa suprugom i da je majčinstvo ne zamara, nego ispunjava, te je razmišljala šta bi mogao da joj bude novi hobi. Takođe mi je rekla da joj fali njena profesija, za koju je toliko godina studirala. Ona je masterirala za profesoricu srpskog jezika i književnosti, ali kao i mnogi u našoj državi nije u mogućnosti da radi ono za šta je učila.

Kreativne sile kosmosa odmah su stupile u kontakt sa mojom svešću i viknula sam: “Znam šta bi mogla da radiš! Počni da pišeš blog na HIVE-u!”

Pogledala me je radoznalo čekajući objašnjenje o tome šta je HIVE i kako sve to funkcioniše.

Ako bih želela najkraće i najjasnije da objasnim, HIVE je nešto kao facebook, intagram i blog zajedno. Za sve što se postavi, podeli, lajkuje i komentariše, dobija se odredjena suma u kripto valuti. Znači da svako ko voli da “visi” na socijalnim mrežama ima priliku da i dalje radi ono što voli, da postavlja i lajkuje i da time zaradjuje. Da sebe reklamira, a da pri tome od reklame zaradi, a ne da za reklamu plaća.

Kako bi Robert Kiyosaki rekao:
“Neka novac radi za nas, a ne mi za njega”.

Ja sam se totalno našla u ovoj priči, sa afinitetom da po ceo dan od srca postavljam sve živo po svim mogićim socijalnim mrežama 😜

Moja seka se oduševila idejom da joj hobi bude povezan sa njenom profesijom, kao i sa tim da sa ljudima podeli nešto lepo i edukativno.

Uputile smo se ka stanu da pravimo domaće pite sa šljivama i da otvorimo seki profil na HIVE-u kako bi počela da piše.

Dok smo nas dve kreirale sekin nalog, Laza je otkrio da ima levu ruku, kao i da je ona vrlo zanimljiva i da može sa njom telepatski da komunicira.

Uskoro sledi predstavljanje moje drage seke Ilone @lazinamama u HIVE zajednici.

Jedva čekam da njene mudre misli i iskrena osećanja zaplove po socijalnim mrežama.


English version 😊

Visit to Sister and Her Family in Novi Sad

"There are feelings that can only be described in the mother tongue," a person very close to my heart told me recently. The hug of my sister and her five-month-old son is just such a feeling. That is why I would describe it exclusively "in our language".

After a night spent on Fruška Gora mountain, I went to visit my beloved sister (@lazinamama) and her husband in Novi Sad. I was greeted by the smile of their adorable son Lazar, whom I last saw before quarantine in February, when he was born. We drank coffee on the balcony at sunset and enjoyed Laza's antics.

In 5 months of not seeing each other we both went through big changes. During that time, she experienced herself as a young mother. After 7 months of risky pregnancy during which she spent time in the apartment for the baby to grow safely, she spent another five months at home, not wanting to play with her baby's health, regardless of the truth of another new "emergency state" served in Serbia and "misunderstandings" by friends.

During that time, in Vienna, I used this chaos of separation under masks to work on myself, to finally tame my inexhaustible reservoirs of energy and direct them towards achieving a higher mission, one, not at least fifty at a time, as I always did through my elf-life.

The three of us, together with our sister Jelena, are very close and therefore we are always aware of what is happening with which of us. Five months must be urgently compensated, and thats will take time, so we chose the Danube Park as the place for exchanging information. A great place to ground ourselves together with little Lazar, to nest in hundreds of years old quantum bodies of trees and harmonize with nature, to balance these frequencies of noise of Novi Sad cars.

We brought blankets and unpacked under a huge tree and leaned on the proja - country food, which my sister baked last night. Laza was lulled to sleep by the fresh air, the chirping of birds and his mother's gentle voice that sang children's songs.

It’s wonderful to watch my youngest sister how much she enjoys the role of a mother, how much she does everything from the heart. She followed Laza's every move with a smile and looked forward to his every baby move.

His aunt sang the favorite song from the childhood of another aunt, our sister Jelena:
"On the wide imperial road that crosses the rainforest, a white elephant and a black telephone met ...“

Laza was so delighted with our singing frequencies that he decided to show us how he successfully mastered the "lotus position":

We laughed to tears at Laza's antics and rejoiced that we were finally together. Suddenly, a lady who is probably in charge of maintaining order in the park started shouting at us, how can we not lie down and sit on the grass, because there is a possibility that a tree branch will fall on our head 🤔🤔: “did you not see the board ??? What does it look like to all tread on grass and play with children there? ”

I told her that Mother Earth is my home and that a child should be grounded like we adults and that grass and parks are not for watching but for recovery, so it does not occur to me to move from here anywhere. She is free to call anyone, so let them explain why it is forbidden to bring children to this small green area in the city. We stayed in the park for a long time, but no one showed up to enlighten us about danger in this park.

Many have joined us in various activities. One cute little boy lay down to read a book, while on the other side, a mother and a little girl were feeding pigeons.

While my sister was putting Laza to sleep, I ran to a cute green coffee in the middle of the park to get coffees for us.

In our coffee time, my Sister told me how she feels that they are well organized with her husband and that motherhood does not tire her, but fulfills her, and she thought about what could be her new hobby. She also told me that she miss her profession, for which she had studied for so many years. She mastered as a professor of Serbian language and literature, but like many in our country, she is not able to do what she studied for.

The creative forces of the cosmos immediately came into contact with my consciousness and I shouted: “I know what you could do! Start writing a blog on HIVE!”

She looked at me curiously waiting for an explanation of what HIVE is and how it all works.

If I wanted to explain the shortest and clearest, HIVE is something like facebook, intagram and blog together. For everything thats posted, shared, liked and commented on, a certain amount in cryptocurrency is obtained. It means that everyone who likes to "hang" on social networks has the opportunity to continue doing what he likes, to post and like and earn money.

As Robert Kiyosaki would say:
"Let the money work for us, not us for the money!”

I totally found myself in this story, with the affinity to post everything on all possible social networks from the bottom of my heart 😜😜

My sister was thrilled with the idea of ​​her hobby being connected to her profession, as well as sharing something beautiful and educational with people.

We headed to the apartment to make homemade plum pies and open a account on HIVE to start writing.

While the two of us were creating an account, Laza discovered that he had a left hand, as well as “that” is very interesting and that he could communicate with it telepathically.

The introduction of my dear sister Ilona @lazinamama in the HIVE community will follow soon.

I can't wait for her wise thoughts and sincere feelings to float on social networks.