How To Get a Permanent Dofollow Backlink On Reddit

Reddit is fantastic social website, with them receiving over a billion visitors per month. Due to this, it is of course an ideal way for people to build to backlinks back to their site.

However, one of the pitfalls that a lot of people fall into when trying to promote their site on Reddit is that they do it in such a way that it looks extremely spammy. The end result of this is that you can get a link to your site, but then the moderators of the specific subreddit will then remove it.

In the eyes of Google, this looks pretty bad since a link is being added to your site, and then immediately removed.
Whilst it can be good to get a short burst of traffic, it really isn't adding any long term benefits to your site of your backlink profile. When it comes to ranking a site on Google, it's DoFollow links that are required. When you have a DoFollow link on a site such as Reddit, the Domain Authority and also the Page Authority from Reddit can over time give your site a great boost in terms of rankings.

Clearly, the issue here is that moderators are removing your link. How then can you get around this issue?

Making your own subreddits

Making your own subreddits is definitely a great way to get around this problem with your links being deleted. However, this isn't without it's problems, either. The biggest issue with this is that many people only have one Reddit account.
To get around this issue, it is possible to use a VPN to build various different accounts. There are many VPNs available, but one of the best, at a low price point is offered by Private Internet Access

By using a VPN, you would be able to create a new account on Reddit to get a subreddit. Having said that, even making a new subreddit requires you to have a certain (at this time unknown) amount of Karma. Without this, you will not be able to create your subreddit. However, when you do have enough karma, you then need to worry about the next issue; Upvotes.

Upvotes on Reddit are like 'Likes' on Facebook in that people will upvote a post or a link if they enjoy the content. In order to make a link dofollow on Reddit, it needs a certain amount of Upvotes. Some people claim that this is as low as three. This isn't actually the case. Instead it is actually dependent on the post itself on how many upvotes it takes to convert it from No Follow to DoFollow. How then do you get these Upvotes?

In order to get them, you can either get people to vote on the post, or you can do it yourself. In the case of the former, because your subreddit will be new and probably only having one post on it, the chances of someone upvoting it are minimal. Bearing in mind that there is also a small window of time on Reddit for a link to be turned from No Follow to Dofollow, it's not something you want to mess around with. Also, 10 people upvoting your post might not equate to 10 upvotes appearing on the post. This is due to the fact that fresh accounts have little to no Karma, and therefore not able to push the link into DoFollow status.

You could upvote the post yourself by making various accounts, but it will take time to grows these first to the stage where they will have a positive effect on the vote count of the post to the extent that the Reddit backlink does become a DoFollow one. Added to this is the fact that for baclinks to really be successful, they should come from niche relevant sources. In order to really build up authority of the subreddit, you would need to be posting a lot of content on it from a lot of different sites.

Outsourcing is the key

A much better solution to this is to outsource the work to an SEO specialist instead. There are a few out there that are able to get you a DoFollow Reddit backlink, but the prices that some of them are charging is extremely expensive

One of the best services that is currently available for getting a Reddit DoFollow backlink can be found here.

Unlike other providers out there, the seller of this service offers various different tiers of work which is dependent on your needs and budget. Also, using a service such as theirs is much like using a PBN. It gives you a high quality link at a low price, and it is in a niche relevant area and means that you do not need to worry about making up numerous accounts for the purposes of upvotes. Also, it is the only service that also includes a minimum of 5 comments for the post. It can look extremely spammy if a post has a lot of upvotes but not any comments. These comments are made in a way that it discusses the topic of the link.

Using this is a great way to boost your backlink portfolio and can have a great impact on your site over time.

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