5 truths about your websites SEO (Search Engine Optimization). You might not like this

Hi everyone,

I'm Cryptommy and I've been working online since 2003. Since I started I've worked with thousands of website owners, administrators, designers, etc. I've seen all types of clients and websites you can think of.

Over the years I've gained a ton of knowledge on how to increase my sales online and the main, long term, method is SEO. The act of optimizing your pages, on and off page, is to increase your rankings withing the search engines to gain traffic. And we all know that more traffic means more sales :D

Anyways, here are some things you should know about your website.

  1. When a good SEO company tells you that it could take 3 to 6 months to see any benefits from the monthly SEO campaigns, it really will take 3 to 6 months. They aren't just trying to get you to pay for that amount of time to take your money. So you won't have to constantly contact them asking why you aren't getting 1,000 new visitors a day.

  2. If you hire someone to do SEO (search engine optimization) for your website, don't bitch after 1 week because your website isn't ranking for extremely difficult keywords. Sure I can get you to the first page in a week for a difficult keyword, but do you like your website? Because if I push it hard enough to rank it within a week, it won't be indexed for long lol.

  3. You're not always right. I hate seeing "The customer is always right" because it's not true. If I listened to all my customers who said to push as hard as I can when doing their optimization campaigns, none of them would have traffic. I actually had a guy sign up with me and then read a 10 page ebook on what I was doing and then tell me what I was doing was wrong. He didn't realize that his ebook was from 2007 and everything in it was outdated lol. If you're hiring a good company to do your on page optimization and off page optimization you need to let them do what they do because they've been studying and testing for years.

  4. When you hire someone to do "White Hat" SEO for your website, they're going to do some black hat SEO without telling you. The act of placing a link for your own benefit.... Black Hat! lol :D Sure you can go 100% white hat and post quality content and wait for people to link to your website, but that will take years. There are the rare examples where someone posts a website and it becomes viral... just like steemit ;)

  5. If you do sign up with an SEO company, don't ask for weekly campaign and ranking reports. We have more than one client and doing this just kills time. There won't be much difference in reports in the first couple of months because the campaign is still new. If you hired a good and reputable SEO company, you need to trust what they're doing.

*** Honorable Mentions ***

If you can't afford to pay a good SEO comapny, don't agree to a contract with them and then stop paying. It's annoying and you'll probably get sent to collections.

Your website isn't made out of gold and even though you love it, an ad spot on your homepage isn't worth $500 a month if you're getting 20 unique visitors over 30 days. I've paid $500 a month for an ad before, but the website it was on was getting 6,000,000 pageviews a month from 350,000 unique visitors. This one isn't so much about SEO, but I had to get it off of my chest.

Is there anything else that I would need to add?

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