Conducting an Internal Content Audit of your Website

Steps for an SEO audit - Checklist

We will try to develop the necessary points to carry out an SEO audit. As a basic checklist, this guide can be used to check which points you agree on as SEO auditors or find out on which points you can improve your website as a user.


Glossary training

This point is not really essential, it is more of a support that you can offer in the event that your client is not familiar with web positioning. Many clients appreciate having a glossary to turn to as soon as they have any questions about any term. Being practical, this saves you calls and e-mails and the client gains autonomy. However, it is always necessary to keep track of the work done and if necessary help the client to understand your work.

Introduction to the purpose of the audit

This point is interesting to write it as a basis to start your work. It is essential, basic and elementary to talk with the client and jointly develop the objectives you want to achieve with this SEO audit. What is sought to improve, what has been worked, what the client expects from you. It is more than anything a road map that should serve both you and the client. Having a meeting and writing the objectives will avoid future misunderstandings ...

Identification and analysis of the competition

Identifying and studying the web pages of the competitors can be really useful to determine our positioning strategy. We can learn many things from what our competitors are doing and we will have a greater knowledge of them. Semrush can help you quickly analyze the pages of your competitors (Get the 14 day free trial using this unique link).

Selection of the most appropriate search engine

Taking into account that the budget is usually limited and not for many companies are interested to work the SEO for other search engines that are not Google or Yahoo, in most cases the choice is simple. However, it would also be interesting to study it and see if they are really doing the right thing. A typical case could be working with clients who find their target in China, in which the search engine par excellence is Baidu.html

Current positioning and ranking values

Another point that is important and should be first to perform. This is a study that details the current values ​​of positioning of the targeted keywords and how the website ranking for the search engine/ s that we have chosen. In addition, it can also help us assess the evolution after implementing the audit. What have we managed to improve considering this starting point?

Web architecture

For those who do not know, the web architecture is aimed at both search engines and people. We must devise the best possible architecture to offer relevant content to the user in the least number of clicks. With Semrush free audityou can find more information that will help you with your own web architecture.

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Prospecting keywords and URL patterns

As for the keywords, it is essential to know what words we should position ourselves and work on them with persistence. There is a lot to say about this point and what better than Semrush to help you with the "Keyword Research". In terms of URLs it may be interesting to keep in mind that Semrush has a table that explains very well how it should be and how should not be the structure of a URL.
Audit Anatomy URL Seo friendly . You can download them in a PDF version too, it will be very useful to have it always at hand.

SEO Onpage Factors

There are several things that we must control in the SEO Onpage Factors.

  • Content

There are many aspects to take into account the content but to synthesize, we must especially pay attention to the Density of Keywords and the problems of duplication of content. To write the content of our website we can take into account several aspects of SEO Copywriting that will help us to position better:

  • Enhancement of the keywords and what we want to highlight for the user.

  • Do not spam with the keywords, neither in view of the user, nor the search engine. A good relationship is usually 3 keywords in every 250 words.

  • Use of headlines to draw attention to what is going to be discussed on the page, and at the same time the search engine will value it more.

Regarding duplicate content, ie the same content hosted on two different URLs, we can take these tips into account:

  • Specify the preferred version of a URL in the Sitemap file of the site.

  • Use the robots.txt file: Providing a method to indicate the parameters that should be removed from a dynamic URL from the robots.txt file

  • Add rel = "nofollow" to the links that point to pages with duplicate or very similar content.

SEO Factors Off Page

Undoubtedly the key factor to take into account in SEO OffPage factors is the Linkbuilding. This link policy does not have to seem forced. Some tips that we should know about Linkbuilding:

  • Domain Age: The age of the web domain is an important factor for positioning. The older the better the rankeo.

  • Progressive links: Google does not like an aggressive link policy. It must be maintained in a prolonged manner and without abuse. It is best to do it little by little and progressively.

  • The language counts: If the site is in Spanish, it is recommended that the links of origin also be from sites in Spanish.

  • The age of the links is worth more: If you reach a link exchange agreement, try to make it last as long as possible so that it has a positive effect on the search engines.

Conclusions and proposals

It never hurts to offer the client some conclusions in which all the ideas and actions that have been raised throughout the audit are presented in a schematic and simple way. Keep in mind that your client does not have to understand about web positioning, but you should know at all times what you have asked for, what you have received and understand the content of the audit. At the end of the day, it depends a lot on each client, although giving a "manual" touch to audits, providing tips and suggestions can make the difference between a right job and an excellent job. Do not forget to attach a detailed planning with the actions and the marked calendar.

Do you need an audit for your company or brand? Whether you are a small, medium or large company, a free SEO audit on Semrush can help you get the most out of Google positioning.


Recommended Tools (Paid)

  • Majestic SEO
  • SEM Rush
  • Ahrefs
  • Deep Crawl
  • Moz
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