Unveiling My Story: A Self Introduction

Hello fellow hive dwellers, I'm your new hive mate. A kind of introvert soul who love spending her time alone. While extroverts might be busy chatting away, I'm always at the corner observing them and the world.



I'm Juraly D. Rondina, a 30 years old wife, mother of two and a grade 11 high school student taking a Humanities and Social Sciences strand at Ilihan Integrated School. I wasn't an introvert before but my past decisions and life twists and turns shaped me to be one. I hail from Obong , Dalaguete, Cebu, raised by a loving parents and even though we are poor we are living a happy life. In my early years I attended Obong Elementary School. But fate took an unexpected turn during my sixth-grade year. The Sisters Of Mary School Girls town arrive at our school, seeking scholars. Out of many hopefuls who took the exam, I emerged as the sole successful candidate. With excitement I embarked on a new chapter at their esteemed institution.

Yet despite the academic rigor and the promise of a bright future , loneliness gnawed at my heart. I yearned for the familiar embrace of my parents, the comforting presence of home. Driven by this ache , I pleaded with them to bring me back. They returned me to my roots, continuing my studies at Dalaguete National High School.

During my second year high school , I stumbled. A grave mistake led to my expulsion and the doors of Dalaguete closed behind me. As a result, I transferred to Tabogon Roosevelt High School in Ilihan, Tabogon, Cebu. I found new friends and experienced camaraderie beyond classroom. But frustration set in, it have never erased in my mind that my teachers before leave me without a chance to explain myself and to be understood or even give me a chance. Honestly, I just do it because of my curiosity that they have ignited on me through their lectures.

My passion of studying drifted away, seeking solace in hanging out, drinking and other vices. Then came an early pregnancy , I'm starting to get lost to really get lost being a mom at an early age with no stable job or proper education, everything was a total mess, I was having a hard time. I tried to accept my misfortune and tried to live the life I choose but when I watched my kids grow day by day, I realized I can't sent them to college. I don't want them to have the same struggles as me . So I step out of my box , pursue better education even if I'm a bit older , carrying the strength from my own little family , so that a better job with a good salary will land on my hand .


I enrolled myself in an Alternative Learning School (ALS) along with my brother and cousins and finished Junior High School Level with the support of our family every step of the way. What an awkward situation it was when I went on stage to receive my diploma as an ALS graduate. One of my classmates from my high school days was also on the stage, now a head teacher, offering me a handshake. I felt small. They were already professionals, and here I was, just starting to chase my broken dreams.


I went to school and home every weekdays along side with my two kids, because we went in the same school. Lots of feedback I heard from people who saw us ,some was amazed and complimented me but others also dislike what I do. They said I'm old enough to go to school and supposedly I'm just home taking care of my kids . But I don't listen to them, because for me , age is just a number and as long as I'm alive there is still chance to change my situation.


I experienced being neglected, to be treated the most unwanted person by my own kin, because of my mistakes and wrong doings . They felt shame because I was part of their bloodline. Every gatherings, they introduced my cousins who finished some degrees and left me behind feeling so little about my self and unwelcomed. I stayed , sitting in the corner hearing their compliments on them and never talked to me or even saying Hi, I accepted it all, because what my past was totally hideous.

Lots of people talked behind my back and I'm aware of it all. Even my own siblings belittled me everytime we had an argument, telling me that I have some courage to create my own family but I can't stand up on my both two feet. Especially when my both parents suffered from stroke and lost their jobs too, I heard lots of disrespect and belittled from them. All I do is cried, cause even if I react or get angry I can't change my situation. So I just focus on improving myself so that one day, they will be proud of me.🙏



Since then, I tried to aside my self from everyone, ashamed of my own self , creating my own world. I distant myself from everybody and I find sanctuary in an online game ( Mobile Legend). Inside the game , I felt so important, I dominate almost everyone. I can showcase my skills without someone judgements ,everyone wants to accompany me playing cause they said I played well, this game is my haven.



I'm also good at swimming , cause back then ,when I was younger , we lived in place near the sea and a cold spring. Almost everyday we have to swim there and I learned many style of swimming.



I’m a campus journalist at our school and I know for myself that I’m not really good at writing. So through this platform, I can showcase skills as well as enhance my writing skills. It’s like killing two birds with one stone. I’m not an open book to everyone, cause even the most people who walked through my pages still misread me. I have no one to share what’s happening in me, so through this I can share my thoughts and experiences I life


I can share my experiences in my everyday existence. In this way, younger generation will see me as a mirror of their future if they take the road I have taken.It I can motivate also those people who were in the same situation as me that we can change still change our lives no matter our age are.

I’m thankful to @jobeliever, @callmesmile, and @naypmhapz for introducing this digital realm to me. Where I can express what I really want to say without using my own vocal cords or interacting personally with others. Where introvert like me can nurture our given talents. I’m truly grateful for her that I found a new have where my creativity will be show cased.

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