A short story about me : Adette

"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." - Dr. Wayne Dyer

It's been more than a year that we are adapting to several changes. This pandemic brought us a new way of living. To some, they need to slow down and adapt themselves to staying at home with more new activities to do. Some, (front liners especially the medical practitioners) need to multiply their time to save lives.

I have been a busy person, my love for travel brought me to different places, experienced different jobs, worked with a lot of people and companies as well. Most of the time everything is unplanned. An opportunity comes and if I'm available I will grab it.

Life wasn't really that easy, I did have to endure a lot of downfalls. I think like a lot of people, I grew up with lots of dreams and very idealistic too. I think I'm not alone in wishing life to be perfect. Perfect family, career, friends, and financial status. But lo and behold what I thought was perfect doesn't really exist. Several years of struggling and trying to survive on what life gives, it never changed at all. Until I come across the podcast of Dr. Wayne Dyer and got addicted to his voice. Until I found his film "The Shift" watched it and somehow gave me a very different way of seeing things. It helped me a lot dealing with acceptance, knowing, and appreciating more than complaining.

As I said, I grab opportunities as I can, so here it is. Writing for social media. You can expect a lot of stories and adventures that are either mine or someone else's and hopefully engage with my readers and learn from them as well. Join me as I cook my favorite dishes (yes it includes pork Adobo), my travel adventures to different IP communities, different tips and Do It Yourself travels, and more. Enjoying life's journey and grasping the wisdom it brings.
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