
Self-esteem is the set of all those evaluations that we make of ourselves, it is a multidimensional concept that is based on different standards:
personal ideal standard (as I would like to be);
normal personnel standards (as they are normally);
social standards (identify and compare with an ideal standard).

How it evolves

0 - 6 years: children at this age will not be able to evaluate, there is no ability to assess the self, they can at most say how they are usually.
6 - 11 years old: helping the child to value himself/herself, if you do not, the child will go to evaluate negatively also the positive things. From this moment on, the child begins to develop self-esteem. He will begin to try to understand what he wants to be and make a comparison with others.

12 - 15 years old: there are ups and downs depending on the situations the boy lives at home and at school.
The mode of self-assessment that the subject from, it is not necessarily the case that despite being a negative fact it is completely so, as it could help to fight and try to do better.
Having a high self-esteem also has positive effects: you have more friends, more harmonious relationships and less fear.
18 - 20 years: Usually one reaches a point of equilibrium around this age and one estimates more.
Element at the base of self-esteem?
Trust is always the basis of self-esteem. Global self-esteem can be an unbalanced self-esteem (it is not possible to balance all sectors).


Everything goes well, except school
Global self-esteem can also be inflated, i. e. when you overestimate. According to Kagan, it is disadvantageous because you have less success than you think.
The more you are helped and spurred on, the more positive the results will be. It serves to have an optimistic attitude and it is also as important as others consider us. Trust and trust leads to commitment. To be optimistic you have to go to see the norm (if I always take 4 and 6 the norm is 4 or if I always take 8 and 6 the norm is 8). Being optimistic can be an incentive, I go to check external facts and situations. We need to understand the cause and effect.

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