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"Nordic countries' 'happy' reputation masks sadness of young" - Why and how to remedy

On last Saturday the Guardian published an article citing a report, conducted by the Nordic minister's committee, which claimed:


credit: The Guardian

"Nordic countries' 'happy' reputation masks sadness of young. A significant minority of young people in Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Iceland ‘struggling or suffering’. While the reasons will vary from one individual and one country to another, it is thought that stress, loneliness, and feeling under pressure to succeed may be playing a large part in their unhappiness."

So, what may be the solution? It'd be to easy to tell people "don't get stressed" or "don't run after the money", "look for meaningful relationships so you wouldn't feel lonely". But the sad truth is that most will not follow those pieces of advice. And why? Because they are empty words.

The problem in the first place was the emptiness that those young people feel. They have a comfortable life, lavish lifestyles, secured homes and jobs, but still, they have holes within. And holes are destined to be filled. Therefore, people fill the holes with what is available, fast and short-term solutions – pursuing power, money and quick satisfaction.

Don't misunderstand, there is nothing wrong with being rich or having random relationships. When coming from an aware state of being it's an experience. The problem begins when those behaviors try to replace the essence.

And the essence will always remain the same for the human – know yourself.

People in Scandinavia, or anywhere else for that matter, will only know peace of mind and joyous hearts when they relinquish the illusions of the matter and focus on connecting with their master self and then their soul essence. There is no other way, and until they do that similar reports will keep piling up.
