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Prepping: Self-Sufficiency is THE Ultimate Prepper Goal

Hi everyone! I pray you all have been well! I am so sorry I haven't been on here much here lately! I have had a LOT going on. Needless to say, things have finally begun to slow down a bit for me so hopefully I can make regular posts once again. Thank you all for being patient with me!

Today I want to talk with you about my live chat topic last night: Animals to Consider for Self-Sufficiency.

Sell-Sufficiency is my ultimate prepper goal. I don't want to have to depend on anyone but God for our needs. There are a great many aspects to meeting that goal. One of those aspects is providing a sustainable food source.

When considering WHICH animals to acquire, one must consider WHERE these animals will be kept. Every animal has varying spacial needs depending on the size, activity, etc.

A rabbit, for instance, does not need as much space to roam, play, eat, bed down, etc. as a cow or a horse.

One must also consider on this road to self-sufficiency that each animal will have various dietary needs. Do you have enough room to grow what crops are needed for your animals' feed and bedding?

If you intend to move to another location and have a wish list of animals you want to acquire then you must consider the above-mentioned points while location hunting.

Another thing to consider are which animals provide the most for the least amount of effort to care for them.

Chickens do not require as much feed as a cow and provide eggs, meat, the shells can be dried and used for supplementing the garden and more. Cow require much more space and feed while providing the possibility for meat, milk, cheese, cream, sour cream, yogurt,and the fat can be used for candles or making soap. Horses need a great deal of space and feed while providing transportation and the possibility of labor such as pulling a plow.

The point I am trying to make is do your research on each animal with all of these considerations in mind.

If you found this useful, please let me know! I love hearing from You! In addition, I have live chats Thursdays over on You Tube at 8:00 p.m. Central/ 9:00 p.m. EST. Please join us! Everyone is welcome! ;)