self sovereign decentralised voice matters


i’ve had a great twelve hours since i posted my decentralized video over on youtube/dtube.

it’s always cool to see who comes out of the wood work and let’s be honest if you can improve your viewing and follower numbers and tick that centralised box in the process to get you into the adsense circle that’s always a bonus too.

one of the things i’ve always liked about decentralized video hosting — apart from the obvious benefits of immutability and redundancy of video content you get to help to share education and best practice for an outside fringe or edge case centralised user wondering “what the fuck does this stuff even do”

yesterday i had two great things happen — not only did i manage to get gifted my name as a namebase domain but i got to have a brief email conversation with a guy from filebase after he saw my video on youtube, these circles are really interesting, especially when you are trying to operate across a lot of them instead of that “tribal” culture that happens when people want you just to be interested in one.

your decentralised voice has extra resonance i believe over a centralised one. that arena is literally bleeding on it’s own supply as everyone makes the same information video over and over again, it’s exhausting and kinda pointless.

i’m starting to find myself having a LOT more conversations with fringe and digital workers who are looking into blockchain now realising that it’s not a fad and people are actually using this stuff and it’s not just “bitcoin” — they are discovering crazy APR interest rates and the notion of “staking” into communities, taking their simple SME to a distributed one that relies on the next one for best practice and thoughtful insights of optimisations they can use in their own business.

it’s great to see it move from just the “nerd” arena of those who have to know everything inside our and the elitism permission economy of knowledge share to actual real world growth because of numbers, let people have their own discovery journey instead of cancel culture and shutting them down because they don’t have the mental fortitude and intelligence dexterity that you possess.

Photo by Sebastien LE DEROUT on Unsplash

chances are when it becomes “mainstream” you’ll spin up a new blockchain idea anyway because you know, elitism again ;)

I get hella excited by “proof of coverage” and the notion of an IoT device that LOOKS like a standard home router that WONT scare ya average use off — the fact that they can be a part of the conversation at a level that does not fear them that they don’t know everything is huge for general adoption of this as becoming a self sovereign digital node in the network.

You don’t have to be a GEEK or a NERD to play with these things, you get a pretty little box, you get a pretty little app, you can see earnings and you can see relays that you are HELPING by being a node in that network, it’s a start, it’s an acorn of where we could be if the network, the mesh that holds us digitally together is held by the keys of the users of that’s people’s network.

I personally cannot wait until we have 100,000 helium nodes everywhere, regardless of any burns, any price crashes and such like, forget all that, you’ve got 100k units across the world, that’s a freaking sweet lorawan base line to operate other projects from outside of having to be trapped by the main backhaul networks, that’s when data/messaging becomes interesting!

Have a blessed day,
Drink some Beers.
It’s THIRST days.

Humble X

Links in the Video Below

(HNT is added!)

pinterest epic wins pinboard → brand advocate for nokia, 1000heads, verisign → won vloggie for node666 (san fran 2006) → television for time team history hunters 1999 → sold to evan williams in april 2011 → went to phil campbell, alabama to help raise money after tornado (was on sky news, bbc news)→ CNN for sxsw 2013 about austin sxsw → video chat with robert scoblemusic video can you spot me?

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