WTH Mystery Seeds from China With... L🤬🤬V?!: 中国から謎の種

An Arkansas man said he grew the 'mystery seeds' from China in his garden before agriculture officials warned against planting them


These bizarre seeds are getting delivered in the US and Japan... probably many other countries, and people are freaking out. I am not sure exactly why people are getting seeds... what they are or reason behind it.
But it seems like some kind of scam?

“brushing scam” - in which people receive goods they never ordered and the sender then posts a fake customer review in their name to boost sales.

I also heard that some people are so confused they are sending money for these seeds that they never ordered! It's just crazy!

And then last night, my mail man drop this thing in my mailbox.

Description of contents: Wire connector? What the hell? What is wire connector? I haven't opened it yet but there is no way this thing has a wire connector in there because I can feel bunch of seeds inside the envelop.

O 😱 M 😱 G

I am not going to open this thing but what am I supposed to do with this thing?
It is kind scary too... I don't know these people but they know my name and address?
I recently moved here and only my family know this address.
My personal info has been leaked, stolen and sold in the dark web or something?
Or Amazon is selling personal information to Chinese companies? Amazon got hacked and they don't know about this?

So far, these seeds seem to be harmless... but if you receive this, you should contact local agricultural official... but wow, I can't get stuff from Amazon anymore.
Maybe it is too late... since my info is out 😬 😬 😬


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