Two times the charm

Well, it seems that Steemit has went through another attack.

Shortly after the Steemit website was hacked (no serious damage thank goodness) there was a DDOS attack. 

These attacks were even more back to back than Drake. Oh man oh man oh man not again.

Nothing was the same.

Breaches in security like this make me wonder about the strength of Steemit's security. On the other hand, it does reinforce the importance of strong encryption and strong passwords. I wasn't a user of Steemit when the first breach occurred, but I was right before the DDOS attack.

How will this play out in the long run, and what effects will it have on Steemit itself? Will it cause non-users to be wary of using Steemit at all? Will current Steemit users leave? Will there be a continual cycle of these security breaches, or will improvements to Steemit's security hold out against it? Only time will tell.

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