New Products Help Protect You from Unlawful Cell Phone Spying

According to the ACLU, there are currently 66 police agencies in 24  states that have the ability to capture your cell phone communications  by pretending to be a cell tower, with a device otherwise known as the  stingray. 

Stingrays have been controversial for years. There is still no clear  ruling from the courts to determine the legality of their use. In March,  the Maryland Court of special appeals issued a legal opinion in regards  to the warrantless use of stingrays by local police. The court ruled  unequivocally that police use of the stingray is a violation of fourth  amendment protections, if used without a warrant. 

The court sent a clear message to law enforcement; let’s hope that it  is heard. This case will inevitably end up at the state or federal  Supreme Court so celebration might be premature. While the police and  the courts go back and forth on the issue, it would for now seem up to  us to protect ourselves from the spying eyes of the police state. 

Maryland is the latest in a string of states who have already  outlawed the use of stingrays without a warrant. Cases like this  involving the fourth amendment are typically strong enough to set  caselaw on their own. The fact that the police backed by the state  attorneys continue to push the limits of the Constitution, is no  surprise. What is surprising is that the federal government has yet to  step in and put an end to this blatantly unconstitutional behavior by  local law enforcement. 

“The court’s opinion is a resounding defense of Fourth Amendment  rights in the digital age,” wrote ACLU attorney Nathan Wessler. “The  court’s withering rebuke of secret and warrantless use of invasive cell  phone tracking technology shows why it is so important for these kinds  of privacy invasions to be subjected to judicial review. Other courts  will be able to look to this opinion as they address rampant use of cell  site simulators by police departments across the country.” 

In the meantime, the public needs to find ways to protect themselves  while police departments continue to push the limits of the law. 

There are ways that you can protect your cell phone data from anyone  trying to gain access. Tunnel is a copper lined cell phone pouch  designed to block EMF frequencies and prevent the stingray from grabbing  your phone’s information. Silent Pocket is another product promising to  protect you from spying eyes. The Silent Pocket offers a wide variety  of EMF frequency blocking products from cell phone cases, wallets and  briefcases. The law enforcement communities, as well as the intelligence  communities, have been using copper shielding to avoid being spied on.  The use of copper shielded cases, like tunnel, will protect you from the  same kind of spying that the feds are worried about. 


As more and more people are becoming aware that their data isn’t as  secure as they had believed, they are looking for ways to shield  themselves from those looking to steal from – or even worse – arrest  them. More and more courts are onto the police and their usurping of the  law by using stingrays. While they are aware and taking action, it will  be a long time before the use of stingrays is outlawed everywhere. In  the meantime, you must protect yourself. Now the market is finally  starting to catch up with the demand. 

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