It is Time to Change Your Dropbox Password

Dropbox users may be receiving a prompt to change their passwords. According to Dropbox this is a precautionary measure for users who have been using the service since 2012 but have never changed their passwords. Four years is a long time.   

 Security experts recommend:  

  1. Use strong passwords which should be at least 8 characters long with numbers and special characters 
  2. Secure your passwords in an encrypted file, password manager, or online/offline security service 
  3. Do not reuse passwords across multiple services or logins 
  4. Change them immediately if you suspect anything suspicious 
  5. Change them every year or so just in case, and do not just increment the numbers.  “Pas$word1” to “Pas$w0rd2” is not good. You aren’t fooling anyone. 
  6. Setup multi-factor authentication (ex. password with another form of verification) on valuable accounts like bank access   

Your passwords protect your data, system, reputation, and online identities. If you are responsible and handle them carefully, you will minimize risks of being a victim. 

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