The Benefits of Secure Boot

Secure boot is absolutely not the "worst useless piece of software ever designed", it is extremely useful to prevent unauthorized boot on the device since only what is signed can boot.

What people can argue about is: secure boot is improperly implemented since basically every desktop / laptop device uses the M$'s keys which is objectively a bad implementation (you do not want everyone having the key to your house do you?).

But the solution here is a proper implementation aka device bound keys that are different for every device and obviously locked uefi.

But to say that it is better to avoid this tech completely just because it's not properly implemented is wrong in every possible way... It's like throwing away gold with dirty water.

Secure boot is absolutely not a "Microsoft thing to lock Linux users on Windows" you can literally use it on coreboot...

Along with verified boot. Secure boot is a technology that is ALREADY implemented in free software bios solutions.

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