Your Protection is Poor! Get a VPN

This is a wake up call.

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If you see your correct IP address & many other correct intel on your system - you got a leak.

What you see is what they see.
Hackers dwelling in open Wifis/Honeypots waiting for you to connect without a condom.
Data Miners like Google digging for even more private data on you.
The Government... we all know what our Governments love to do.

This is truly alarming. Ipleak as well as many other reputable sites like (and me) recommend using AirVPN for your privacy.

What I like about AirVPN is their time offers - if you're on vacation for a week or two, just grab the 7€ (payable in BTC) 1 Month offer and you're absolutely safe on your Laptop/Tablet/Mobile.



A VPN based on OpenVPN and operated by activists and hacktivists in defense of net neutrality, privacy and against censorship.
A VPN tunnel encrypts your connection to the Internet. This impenetrable tunnel prevents criminal organizations, your ISP or even your government to spy on your communications.

VPN is necessary if you use Open WiFi such as Starbucks or Hotels, so no fun without it on the go is the golden rule I follow.

Full List of recommended VPNs:

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Your Protection is Poor! Get a VPN

Image: Pixabay

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