Johann Sebastian Bach, Triosonate nr 5, BWV 529, 2nd movement | Secrets of Organ Playing Contest, Week 64

This is my entry for the Secrets of Organ Playing Contest, week 64. After last weeks entry ( of course I had toi play the second movement of this fantastic Triosonata.

Given the recent developments this is probably my last post here on Steem. Perhaps I'll crosspost here in future as well, however, my main blockchain will be the new Hive-blockchain. I'm not sure when the snapshot will be taken for the new chain. If it has already been taken, then I'll repost this performance on Hive and it will be my first post as well... :-)

I have no idea whether @organduo will move to Hive, or any of the other organists on Steem for that matter. I hope they do. Would be nice to continue this small community of organists.

The recording was done with the Hauptwerk software and the sampleset, made by Sonus Paradisi, of the Klapmeyer organ in the St. Nikolai church in Altenbruch (


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