Help! My Boyfriend Turned Into Pepe The Frog.

Have you ever had an experience where something scares you so much you don't know how to react so you start laughing and crying at the same time?

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Well this was me this past weekend. In the early stages of our relationship Daniel he told me that he is allergic to cats (but he loves them and always want to stroke them). My boss at the time had 2 cats and whenever he stroked them he would have an allergic reaction which caused his sinuses to become blocked and gave him very dry eyes. His reaction used to be even worse as he would suffocate whenever cats were around him.

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Daniel and I don't have any pets of our own so he has been cat free for a while now, the past weekend however we went to visit his family. The generally unfriendly Tigger (one of the family cats) decided to sit on Daniel's lap and rub her face on him until he stroked her. I initially had no concerns as Daniel seemed happy and fine... but not for long.

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Soon after he finished stroking her one of her hairs got into his eye, Daniel had not washed his hands yet and rubbed his eyes. What started out as a dry itch/burn had now turned into him looking as if he had been crying for hours in a matter of seconds. As soon as I saw this I demanded that he wash his hands immediately. Got him some antihistamine and inquired about eye drops.

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My boyfriend was slowly turning into Pepe the frog in front of my eyes. Looking at him made me want to cry and laugh at the same time and being in front of people I opted for the latter action. Fortunately Daniel is a good sport and doesn't mind being the punchline of a good joke.

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After hours of looking like Pepe, Daniel fought and won back his face just in time for us to go home.

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I know I'm lucky that his allergy didn't turn into something more serious and that it is no laughing matter, however I will never forget what a trooper he was or the way he looked. Unfortunately he did not allow me to take any photos of him in that state.

Till next time



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