This article was written based on my experience when I worked for an analytics company which helps find recycling companies in the U.S.

Metals are materials of long durability, mechanical strength, and ease of molding. In general, they are chemical elements capable of conducting electricity and heat.

Rods can be used in the construction of short span lightened slabs, beams, girders, girders, beams, dales, castles, short span solid slabs, castles, precast elements, concrete posts, additional steel for joists, stirrups, horizontal reinforcement in masonry walls (ladder type) and concrete piping.

Different types of metals:

  • Brass
  • Aluminum
  • Iron
  • Bronze
  • Galvanized metal
  • Steel
  • Copper

Metal recycling is important as it is a versatile material used to manufacture a wide range of products, including automobiles, appliances, railroad tracks, etc.
Like all other metals, steel and iron can be recycled once their initial use has ended a practically limited number of times, without asking for quality and their origin.

The main sources of iron and steel scrap come from end-of-use products (household appliances, packaging, aerosols, machines, automobiles, etc.) They are easily identifiable in waste through magnetic separation.

Recycling of non-ferrous metals
Once the used aluminum reaches the manager, it is sorted and prepared, separating it from the remaining metals and materials by various manual methods, magnetic separation, or eddy current separators.

Subsequently, the scrap obtained is usually pressed and packaged to facilitate its transportation, either to a scrap wholesaler or directly to the smelter to produce secondary aluminum.

A great advantage of metal recycling is its benefits to our planet's environment.
Metal recycling could drastically decrease the use of natural resources.

Aluminum, steel, and other metals must be manually separated from recyclable materials such as plastic or paper.

Aluminum, in particular, tends to degrade after each reuse cycle, so products using recycled metals may vary in quality. Still, most metals never reach a point where they are no longer recyclable.

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