It's Alive! It's Alive!

Last year, I wrote a story about a blockchain-based porn AI that took over the Earth and enslaved humans for its own perverse aims. The Machine Input Logic Function (or MILF for short) is the AI algorithm that determines the type of jobs people work. The protagonist is a drunk poet who has been tasked by the AI to write poetry about panties, but he has a surprise in store for the MILF, and it's not just the pen in his pocket. Yes, the story is as bad and ridiculous as it sounds, but is the premise that far-fetched? I think not!

From a computational point of view, there are several similarities between the ways that DNA and genetics drive evolution and how blockchain nodes drive technological progress, according to theoretical research published in the journal Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres on Saturday. The paper doesn’t claim that blockchains are actually alive in the same way as a biological cell. But it is provocative, making claims including the suggestion that a “blockchain-based” organism “fits some definitions of life” and could surpass biological life in terms of evolutionary adaptability and development.


Is Hive really a Hive mind? Is there a way to find out? Imagine being a single neuron in the brain. Would you have any knowledge of consciousness and your place in the emergent mind of the neural network? If you’re a neuron in the visual cortex, for example, would you be able to tell that you’re part of a cluster dedicated to the visual processes of the brain, and that other neurons out there make up the auditory centers and so on? Given the rudimentary bio-mechanics of a neuron, then I find it hard to imagine.

Along the same vein, if you’re part of a living blockchain brain, then would you be aware of this system, its processes, and your place in it? I guess it depends on how much acid you took that day. I know you think I’m joking, but does this look like the face of someone who is joking?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

In any case, if you're interested in reading my slightly-NSFW story, you can find it here, but be warned, it's a bit naughty:

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