SOPHIA-Meet the World's First Most Sophisticated AI Humanoid


Sophia is a humanoid robot with Artificial Intelligence.It was developed by a company Hanson Robotics & activated on April 19, 2015.She can make alots of facial expressions & She is very cute.


If you have watched movie Ex-Machina,You will feel alot of similarites between Ava and Sophia.I loved the sensuality of Ava in movie and felt it in Sophia.
Cameras are fitted to serve as eyes allowing Sophia to see. She can understand faces, make eye contact, and recognize individuals.She processes speech and have conversations by using Alphabet’s Google Chrome voice recognition technology.
Sophia was designed conceptually similar to the computer program ELIZA, which was one of the first attempts on simulating a human conversation.I will talk about Eliza in other post.
Chat software like siri,cortona has been programmed to give pre-written responses to specific questions or phrases, like a chat bot. These responses are used to create the illusion that the bot is able to understand conversation.The information are shared in a cloud network which allows input and responses to be analysed with blockchain technology.Here also we can see the use of blockchain technology.

Sophia will be useful in many sectors like health,education,entertainment,research sectors etc. in future.She is learning alot of things everyday and thus gaining more and more experience.Sophia runs on artificially intelligent software that is constantly being trained and updated in the lab.
Sophia has become a public sensation and covered by media around the globe.She has participated in many high-profile interviews.Her humor,satires,jokes has impressed the interviewers all around the world.
In October 2017, Saudi Arabia gave Sophia the right of citizen,She is the first robot to receive citizenship of any country.
She has been gracing the cover of one of the top fashion magazines.Her press coverage has a potential reach of over ten billion readers in 2017.

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