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Michio Kaku - 3rd Millenium Einstein

I am amazed by this man's work
and i don't exagerate when i say
That he is the next Einstein.
When he was a child he use to experiment
with his physics knowledge. He constructed a particle accelerator in his garage.
However the kind of power he use caused a blackout to the whole neighbourhood.
His mother then said:
"Why i didn't make a normal child
like all the others.


Well she was right,
Michio was all but normal.
He was ranked first on his class in Harvard.
You find the rest here:

I am a big fan of his and i have even tries to email him once but no luck.
I have watched several videos,
even have his book " Physics of the Impossible"
(I don'own the rights to the quoted photo
and to the website i shared.
I am just sharing this to the public)