Drowsiness, a condition that strikes us during the day

Stress, exhaustion, high temperatures and lack of vitamins daily are just some of the factors which leaves us without power.The state of drowsiness does not forget anyone and can strike at any time, being accompanied by pronounced sleepiness, fatigue, weakness, difficulty concentrating, nervousness.To overcome this unpleasant sensation, we must understand why it developed.

source: topfitness.ro

What causes drowsiness state

High summer temperatures accentuate drowsiness, but not the only cause for her appearance.Erratic lifestyles leave us without power regardless of grades of thermometers.A program overloaded at work, night shifts, stress, irregular meals affect our pace of life. The state of drowsiness may occur because of depression and boredom. Both moods are accompanied by tiredness and apathy.

We eat too much at lunch and opt for inappropriate food combinations

In most cases, the feeling of drowsiness during the day, which is also called "postprandial somnolence" occurs after lunch.The explanation of this phenomenon common and natural as possible is quite simple: after eating, the body 'obliges us "to rest, to operate at a lower capacity, so digestion to take place smoothly. As we eat more, the more we will feel after limpness, that's because the effort of our digestive system will be much higher.To resist a hearty lunch is important not to skip breakfast. The first meal of the day should be rich in protein (yogurt, chicken, cheese unfermented, nuts) or good carbs (oatmeal, brown rice, whole grains, fruits).Also, according to the National Institutes of Health1 the feeling of drowsiness it becomes even more pronounced when eating foods high in sugar or contain tryptophan, an amino acid that can induce drowsiness. Tryptophan is found, usually in cheese, eggs, fish, milk, nuts, peanut butter, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, soy, tofu and turkey.If the state of drowsiness often occurs in the office, you can go out for a brisk walk for 20 minutes after lunch. Movement metabolism and stimulates the digestive process.

Coffee and false state of energy

Coffee is the most widely used energizing and even enhances concentration and improves attention at the moment, not a long term solution. More than two cups of coffee a day increases heart rate, and blood pressure, so there is a false state power. By the afternoon, it turns into a feeling drowsy, mental exhaustion.The solution lies not in the abrupt and definitive on drinks containing caffeine (coffee or tea), but consuming them in moderation. A cup of coffee or tea per day, mixed with milk is recommended daily to start the day in force.

Some medications may induce drowsiness

Birth control pills, antibiotics  may induce drowsiness , so great care when you are taking. Talk to your doctor to find a treatment formula that does not interfere with daily activities. The specialist can replace the product that will give a state of drowsiness or may recommend dietary supplements based on vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies lead to lack of energy!

Most often, lack of energy which is installed after lunch is related to deficiencies of vitamins and minerals in the body. Level is too low in vitamin B12, vitamin D, magnesium, iron or calcium lead to a state of drowsiness.Although we think that diet gives us all the vitamins and minerals we need, if we look over what we eat, things might not be as expected. So when you feel the energy start to run out, a complex of multivitamins might be the solution. 

There are drugs with more than a complex of vitamins and minerals  containing natural essential ingredients daily demand for energy. For example 'Formula Alive!' contains 29 essential vitamins and minerals our health:

Vitamin B3, or niacin, which helps the body to function in normal conditions, with the ability to turn blood sugar into energy; 

Vitamin B12, which helps transport oxygen in the blood, so it is essential for energy production;  

calcium, which it has an essential role in forming osteoarticular system and nerve and muscle function;  

magnesium, a trace element that fights fatigue, stress and anxiety;

Vitamin D, synthesizing calcium. Insufficient vitamin D can lead to bone thin, fragile or deformed; - Iron plays an important role in the development of the body, increases resistance to diseases, restore skin tone and combat fatigue;

- Zinc, which stimulates mental activity and helps in proper functioning of the brain.

Tricks to overcome your drowsiness office:

Listen to music rhythm

If your job allows, listen to music while you work. The music is more rhythmic, the faster you get rid of the state of languor and you will energize.

Drink green tea

Green tea contains caffeine, a substance that is known to have energizing and refreshing effect. In addition, it is much healthier than coffee and can be consumed anytime. A cup of green tea will help overcome drowsiness afternoon.

Dehydration makes you feel tired, have a headache and lose your concentration, so it is important that throughout the day to drink water and get hydrated. Drowsiness will have the courage to visit you very soon, if you put out these simple tricks.

Eat dark chocolate

Bittersweet chocolate also has an energizing effect and can be incredibly good solution to combat drowsy state; 2-3 squares of chocolate must eat to replenish your energy level and you can concentrate on what you do. 

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