Honey cures hay fever: Fact or fiction?

I can't remember where I read about it or thought about it but I seem to remember that if you eat local honey.

It contains all the pollen from the local area and so you don't get hay fever or it can relieve the effects of hay fever.


I don't know where I got this idea from but I've got it from somewhere but that's all a bit vague?

So I decided to do some research and I can do an experiment on myself to test this theory because I've got hay fever at the moment.

My nose is running and my eyes are red raw and streaming.


Doing the experiment should be simple.
I've got some local honey which is a super expensive at £6 a jar which is like 10 of your US dollars.

It doesn't go off so it can stay in the cupboard for years.


And then it got me thinking so I made this lemon and honey drink. I'm going to take it and I'll tell you whether it works or not because I don't like taking drugs of any kind unless it's absolutely essential.

So I'm going to try this honey and lemon while I develop this post and tell you what happens at the end.

My research method

While I was thinking about all this I started looking up these things online and then came across the Big honey scandal that's going on in America and many other countries.
And secondly that honey as a cure for hay fever is a myth!?

The facts

A lot of the 'honey' that is sold in the world isn't much like pure honey at all and it's been adulterated.

It's been messed with and they are putting all kind of other crap in the honey like rice sugars and this has been particularly bad in America where they really don't get much pure honey at all.

Allegedly it's all coming from China via Indonesia as most of the Bee populations in America are dead, dying or contaminated and virtually all of the honey sold in the USA is coming from China via this back door.

Apparently one of the US presidents put high tariffs on Chinese Honey when it was discovered to be so contaminated with other substances.

The producers mixed honey with all kinds of crap or whatever sugary syrup they could use to get past the food and drug administration (FDA) testers but it was basically just a fractional amount of honey in each pot.
America then slapped high tariffs on Chinese origin honey. So what did China do?

They shipped it to Indonesia relabeled it and sent it to America.
So when you buy your honey in America if it's from overseas and says blended it's probably been adulterated with some other sugars.

Checking the country of origin is pretty fruitless.

You should really check your honey and if you want real pure honey that's going to be the real deal.

Go to your local beekeepers and buy it from them it's probably going be really expensive but at least you know it's single source pure honey and you never know. It might even help with your hay fever.

Real fake news

While researching this post I came across numerous articles online all claiming that honey as a hay fever cure is a myth?

They all cited the same research study and obviously never read the research which was deeply flawed and eventually abandoned as a complete failure.

The University of Connecticut scientists who conducted the research stated. That their results were of little or no value as many of the control group did not follow the test protocols. And a third of the sample dropped out of the study.

And yet these irresponsible 'journalists' for a national UK newspaper are citing this failed research 'proving' that honey doesn't cure hay fever? And misquoting the doctor they interviewed.

If you care to check out the article you will see that it is covered with antihistamine and allergy adverts.
No surprise there then what they are flogging!

Fake fact

"A study by the University of Connecticut found that eating local honey had no impact on people’s hay fever resistance"

There is no evidence to support this statement.
Fake news Source

Even more fake news from 'science' focus no less

It's got 'science' in the blogs name so it must be right...right? Wrong.

There is no study that I am aware of to date to support or deny the efficacy of honey but people have been using honey for thousands of years especially with a slice of lemon as a cure for all sorts of ailments.

Lemon cuts through mucus and honey soothes the throat so even if it works just as a placebo effect. It works

The poor misquoted doctors blog. She meant well


Waking a sleeping public

When I started writing this post I had no clue where would lead.

I've discovered a huge scandal in the honey business and a pile of idiotic bloggers and newspapers regurgitating the results of a failed test as their evidence of 'proof' that honey doesn't cure hay fever.

This is a case of bad science and super lazy vested interest journalism trying to sell antihistamine drugs to an unsuspecting public.

I must tell you that I feel so much better after the honey and lemon and getting this off my chest.

It worked for me.

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