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Wonders of Modern Science.

Hello Steemians,

Today I'm going to tell you about the wonders of our modern science.I just love to talk about this types of topics.That's why I've written this blog.


Modern civilization is the gift of science. The wonders and blessings of science beggar description.The wonders of modern science are too many to illustrate them in a short essay. Electricity, Telephone, Television, Radio, Cinema, Aeroplane, Rocket, Telegraph, Computer, E-mail, Internet, X ray, Nuclear energy etc. are the highest blessings and wonders of modern science.

Electricity is the driving force of modern civilization. It gives power and energy. Man can now remove the darkness of his room by turning a small switch.


Radio is one of the marvellous inventions of modern science. It carries our small voice to the farthest corner of the world. It gives us news, songs discussions, play, poetry etc.

Television is another wonder of modern science. It is another popular medium of communicating thoughts and opinions.It is a great improvement over Radio. Radio pleases only our sense of hearing but television pleases our senses of sight and hearing at the same time. It was invented by Bayard in 1926.

Computer is one of the greatest wonders of modern science. It is substitute for the human brain. It is the latest means of communication of thoughts and ideas. In every sphere of life man has been using this wonder of modern science. It seems that in the distant future, man will be a doll and computer wil do every brain work.


It is the excitable system of the modern world. It contains Transportation, Radio, TV, cinem telephone, telegraph, fax, internet, e-mail etc Aeroplanes, Buses, trucks, trains, launches and steamers carry passengers and goods. Wireless, Telephone, Telegraph, Fax and mostly internet and e-mail have brought the world nearer. In fact, science has won distance.

Science has done great wonders in the field of medicine and treatment of patients. It has removed human and other creature's sufferings by inventing instruments and medicines to fight against diseases. The X-ray, the Pathological diagnostic devices, the Penicillin have come as real blessings to humanity.The modern hospital cannot be run without scientific tools and drugs.

The invention of nuclear energy is a great wonder of modern science. Now man can make Atom Bomb, Hydrogen Bomb, Neutron Bomb, Missiles etc. With the help of this energy, man may use this power either in destructive or constructive works Space travel is the most wonderful success of modern science. It is possible only for invention of rocket. So, it is possible now to turn mans imagination into reality. Even scientists think of human habitation and colonization on the space.


Science has spread education among people, printing press has made books cheap and available. Thousands of books, magazines, newspapers are printed every hour. Science has done wonders also in the field of agriculture. Farmers use scientific tools for cultivation and grow more foods, crops, fruits etc. Science has spread his hand in construction arena also.

Modern science is not an unmixed blessing. Nuclear weapons may destroy the world any time. The sample of Hiroshima still stays as a nightmare experience. Science is meant for the benefit of mankind. But man misuses this heavenly gift out of his selfish motive and brings unspeakable sufferings to human life. So, the gifts of science should be utilized for the welfare of mankind. Inventions of modern science should be used as blessings.
Let this gigantic power be applied for the greater harmony and welfare of the mankind.

I want to say thanks to you my dear reader, that knows what I want to explain.

Wrote by

@Steemit lover

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