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How Deep Time Goes?

The Depth of a Moment

Previously, I was really running low on thoughts and clarity as I was fairly new to writing and usually my own thoughts used to overwhelm me. I got to admit, I am a writer in making, even though I try my best to express clearly and concisely, I do make a mistake or two, but I promise I am getting better everyday! In fact I already feel so much confident! I am looking forward to a new understanding and a lot of support from you guys!

The other day I was just sitting on my little bean-filled couch and was enjoying music by “Sleeping At Last”, I just love this guy, he’s magical and he really takes you to places, beautiful places!

So, I started thinking about Time, those who remember my past posts knows I am fascinated with time! I already like to believe that I know a few things about time, I am sure I am not the only person out there who thinks this way. I mean for everybody time is what they see in a clock, a watch, their mobile phone screen, etc. I personally believe that time is much more than that, a lot more than that!

When somebody thinks about something, it only makes sense that he thinks about basics first. I mean in today’s time, we claim to know about a lot, about a lot of different things but then once again in all honesty do we actually know about anything?

We are living in 21st century and none of us actually completely know about atom, just think about it for a second. I mean everything is energy but what makes that energy to take a shape and structure and become the very basic unit of materialistic existence aka Atom? None of us has a clue.

So, I started to think about the very basic particle of time, what might be the most basic unit of time, I went on about it for a minute or two until I got drifted into the depth of time and it blew my mind, literally(well virtually haha). However, I couldn’t think of anything about the basic unit that comprises time other than a second, a micro second, a moment perhaps?

This is what I came up with. Just imagine the world, Universe, Cosmos(take your pick) had very first moment after it came into existence. Did time existed before that moment? No really give it a thought!
Let’s say(and I am following big bang approach) The entire matter, mass and energy that comprises our Universe today came out of that one moment. Let me put it this way can a moment in time be seen as something infinitely deep? A sort of construct to transport matter, energy, mass, etc from different dimension to this one, a capsule perhaps?

Now, I don’t know about any other dimensions beside the already know 3-11 dimensions I mean I know about 3 by my own cognition, senses, perception, reasoning and I have heard, read, watched somewhere that 11 dimensions have been identified so far.
One more way to look into the depth of a single moment in time is, I mean just imagine when one second passes by it penetrates us all and kind of drifts us into the future. But it also does the same thing through out the known and unknown Universe. Earth, Sun, Moon, Pluto, Jupiter, Niburu(if you fancy that), other galaxies, beings living in those planetary systems, reptilians as some might say now a days?

Now, what I mean by the depth of time and I would request you to keep an open mind and really try to think outside the box for a second. Let’s say time is comprised of a moment( just for the sake of understanding) and there is some how a way to measure the manifestation that takes place throughout the Universe that is governed by the law of time.

Can you feel the depth of the situation right now? If not this is going to be some very interesting loony talk for you guys and I am okay with that notion and for those who understands the gravity of this situation, did I just discover another dimension?!!!!

No I am not smoking anything, I promise :P

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