New discovery of a strange visitor.

New discovery of a strange visitor.


New data from 2i / Borisov, the second interstellar visitor we have detected in the solar system, was published.


This time what has been found when analyzing its light, is an emission line related to a high concentration of oxygen associated with another element, in other words that the interstellar comet contains a lot of water or by discarding a lot of carbon dioxide and / or monoxide of carbon, specifically constantly injects a mass of 19 kilos per second.


Knowing if it is water or the other we will know in the coming weeks when the comet gets closer to the sun, allowing to improve the resolution of the analyzes that are being made, in the case that it was water, it happens that the concentration present in 2i / Borisov is very similar to that of the endogenous comets of the solar system, which would have important implications, because if a random sample of the interstellar medium has these water concentrations, everything indicates that it is equally frequent in the The rest of the galaxy as it is in our system and therefore the probability that there are worlds like ours and even primitive life are considerably increased.

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