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Discussion Frankenstein and Darwin

The controversial literary work of Frankenstein is seen as both disturbing, and intriguing by many. Furthermore, people from many different walks of life have came across the Frankenstien work from sources such as film, literature, or even holidays such as halloween in addition to science in modern society experimenting with the concept some scientific individuals use their own DNA to create a Frankenstein type of creature in the notion of creating life to help the already existing human life such as a guy named Cornelis Vlasman that created a "Modular Body" named "Oscar" this is a modern day Frankenstein (Cornelis, 2016). In my opinion in modern science it seems as though scientists are imitating art or literature using previous imaginatory ideas to manifest into reality. Through natural selection the evolution of species would develop which would be Darwinism a "survival of the fittest" concept (Hodge, 1874) I think a reason Darwin was hesitant about publishing his own work is that Frankenstein was a literary masterpiece that became accepted among popular culture and Darwin's own work conflicted even though his own theories was more scientific based rather than Gothic Fiction. In addition, due to the influence of religion throughout the ages in Europe, and the known world most people had a creationist idea of science like Frankenstein being created versus Darwin evolutionary concepts to where the strongest organism develop through natural selection would create a lot of backlash to my knowledge it seems Darwin's reluctance to publish his own work demonstrates that he might have been checking the temperament of society than release his own work when the time is right kind of like a cost to benefit ratio. Additionally, I think many individuals in the time Frankenstien that era was along the lines that if a person think outside the box they was seen as an outcast versus today's society think outside the box is a little bit more accepted it wouldn't be a witch hunt it would be people not talking to the individual. In today's society scientist are both seen as people that create solutions, and sort of scientist that can influence politics as with the scientist Neil Degrasse Tyson he can give lectures about the holographic multiverse or CERN organization based in Geneva, Switzerland to support a political candidate running for office or a politician can use the scientist work to illustrate a point
about climate changes, clean energy, and technological developments whereas in the past scientist were portrayed as to me like witch doctors or people that go against the basic norm. In essence, today's scientist are portrayed as people of great intellect that can answer many of the world's problems from health, hungry, and technology plus role models for children to be such as Bill Nye The Science Guy which he had a television show during the 90's and became a household name for all the scientific information he was presenting to people across the world (PBS, 1993) contrast to Darwin's time where the fiction was more popular than science. I must note that the only thing that seems to get more popular at times than scientist are blockbuster movies such as Marvel and DC movies as well as Sci-Fi films released in major theaters though some films still receive consulting from actually real scientist the scientific film advisers help bring credibility to film (Paul, 2014).


1.) Cornelis, Vlasman. (Apr 14, 2016) Presenting Oscar, The Modular Body
Retrieved from

2.) Hodge, C. (1874). What is Darwinism. New York: NY: Scribner, Armstrong, and Company.
Retrieved from

3.) PBS. (1993) Bill Nye The Science Guy
Retrieved from

4.) Paul Smaglik. (July 2014) Media consulting: Entertaining science
Retrieved from
