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Why some men can’t grow beards and why does their hair fall

As some of you have noticed that the beard has been a fashion in large cities. As boys we should just shave because shaving grows hair faster and thicker which is not true by the way but we all have done it why some men don’t grow it.
The best explanation will be testosterones hormones. But that’s not quite right testosterones is a part of a group of hormones called androgens which regulate sexual development well testosterones regulates a ton of other things which we call male secondary sexual characteristics that covers physical attributes such as muscles growth, thicker voice and other things. So that’s why men and some women have facial hair, deeper voice and more muscles. But that’s not the reason some men can’t grow beard the hormone you are looking for is dihydrotestosterone or DHT which is a very portent form that is linked with beard growth and hair loss and it all depends upon the androgen receptors which will determine how much beard you will grow and how much hair you will lose that is because of the gene difference between the hair follicles
Thanks for reading
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