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Why do old people have large nose?

Why do old people have those long ears and nose
A usually seen yet unnoticed thing is that as a man gets older and older his ears and nose gets bigger and bigger. How is this possible?
As our nose and ears are made up of a kind of a tissue called cartilage. And our body has 4 different types of tissues

  1. Connective
  2. Epithelial
  3. Muscular
  4. Nervous
    That covers all of the body. Cartilage is a type of connective tissue. The most abundant kind in the human body. Cartilage can be worn down, stretch out. It could be found in your ribs, knee caps, between your vertebrates. And construct things outside human body as your nose and your ears. Which is made of elastic cartilage. As cartilage is special it doesn’t have nerves and vessels in it. Which gives it special property which means when it needs to heal its self it can’t well not as easily or cleanly as rest of your tissue instead the cartilage would heal its self by scaring and the former elastic structure gets harder and droopier as you age well they don’t grow but due to gravity they scars make it look bigger than before
    Thanks if you want to ask any question message me on my page and the answer will come on the page.
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