Random Blog : Our Advancement on the field of science

How advanced we are.

We are in the Ultra modern age of the achievement of science. We human being tend to forget how far we have come as a spaces in a relatively short period of time. The recent invention like electricity cars wheels flight televisions telephone it's not so oldest. Human being developed are discovered this things very recent past. It's just about 150 years ago we have invented electricity. But can you imagine for the development of electricity nowadays. Modern car is Din available for about hundred years so you can imagine what the speed of the car nowadays. The invention of flight it is not so so delay. we invented this couple of decades ago. Now you can imagine the speed of the flights. we have now jet planes. Television has great revolution in the modern society. With the satellite connection information and telecommunication sector has advanced for better position right now. In the combination of television and satellite has changed this modern era remarkably in the field of Information Technology. And obviously mobile phone and personal computer is enquiry from their position in case of the development of modern era. So shoes don't need to go back for backward to see this inventions history. This recent invention. The world is changing rapidly with this technological change. Our world has been altered in a short span of time. Let me talk to de about some dramatic changing scientific inventions of last couple of decades. Some invention has changed this world very very remarkable way. Following are the some lists of couple of decades scientific inventions.

  • Artificial organs like lever, kidney, lung, hearts
  • Satellite
  • Telephone
  • Mobile Phone
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Sub Marine Cable
  • Discovery of planets
  • Internet
  • Personal Computer
  • High Speed technology
  • Microchip
  • Technological huge advancement
  • Disasters protection technique etc

There are lots of storage in computer based where we can store huge amount of data within very short space. It's the best ancient of the modern era. There is some new concept of DNA computing where a lots of data will be able to stored in a tiny space. One miligram of storage space will be able to store all printed documents of the World.

We human being are planning to mission on Mars. In astronomy, ultra modern technologies are being used.

Nanotechnology and composite materials are very hot topic of research now a days. These research made the material science technology improved. Shape memory materials are available now. We can see a lot of varieties of of materials around us. We need different kinds of materials for different purposes. Sometimes we need stronger material sometimes brittle sometimes soft sometimes tough sometimes heavy sometimes light. Whatever is our requirement we can get our necessary material for necessary purposes. So this is the ultimate stage of Material science development I must say. With the help of Nanotechnology we can manufacture different kind of sophisticated materials. Different forms different shapes different sizes are no longer distance from us. It's easy to make end recent technologies.

We are planning to go to the centre of the earth. It will be huge task for human beings because asse for our knowledge Vinu the inside the earth is full of of liquid hot materials. The material stick particle of the insider or centre can be a good discovery. There is no unknown substance not even carbon nanotubes that can maintain its shape at such high pressure under the earth layer or inside the earth. While the earth's deep interior may offer vast amounts of energy it may be quite a while before we can step into it directly.

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