Using Graphene To Help Bones Heal

Researchers have already used graphene in a variety of applications, to make clothing, tires, phone cases, to clean water, and much more. Graphene has been hailed the world's lightest, thinnest, and strongest material, and it's expected that it will eventually make its way into dozens of industries. There are potential applications for this material in areas like healthcare, cosmetics, the automobile industry, and more.

Can It Help To Heal Broken Bones?

Researchers have already experimented with graphene and the potential that it has to enable prosthetics to feel, among other potential uses, and now they think that it could do wonders for helping to heal bone fractures.

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have recently tested a new graphene formulation that attracts stem cells, mimics bone, and is biodegradable.

Essentially, the graphene acts as a scaffold and it allows the body's own cells to repair much more rapidly and it could potentially enable people to health a lot quicker, with stronger and healthier bones.

Researchers admit that they've already had success in trials with mice. The graphene formulation that they've put together acts as a structure for the bone cells to be able to bond and grow and although it might not be an entirely new approach, they've been able to develop a variety of improvements.

While graphene's progress has been previously hindered by things like costs and lack of mass production, that has increasingly become less of an issue. And there a growing number of companies from various industries that have been seeking to expand their use of this material.

From using graphene to help detect and treat cancer, to artificial implants, DNA sequencing and more, it's been previously suggested that the 21st century could eventually become the Graphene Age, thanks to its multitude of beneficial properties.

For now though, it's frequently suggested that graphene is still in its infancy stage and there is plenty of room to grow yet. Still growing steady, it's expected that the graphene market will pass the $200 million mark within just a few years, by 2024.


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