The most popular internet password is .

Although slow Internet users show increased responsibility for protecting their online accounts, CNET says. Instead of the previous "password", the most popular password is now "123456". Upgrading, though extremely unsatisfactory indeed.

This is a new study by SplashData, which manages passwords management software. It is conducting its annual survey of the most popular passwords for the third consecutive year, and so far "password" is the most common one. This time "123456" is at the top - more than 1.9 million people use the elementary combination.

Few over 400,000 people have trusted "123456789", and around 340,000 are those who rely on the word "password" to protect their accounts. According to SplashData, only 43,000 are Internet users from her study who have stopped using more serious passwords with combinations of letters and numbers.

These data show that many Internet users are still praying for hacking, SplashData experts say, and call on people to change their passwords or use management programs that generate strong passwords at random.

Or at least add one more figure after 123456.

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