Mystery #1 Flat Earth?

Hello Steemit!
I opened new theme for my blog and it is mystery serial, this is first post and i wrote it 4 years ago...

I decide to write post about flat will se why down there in top 5 proves...


1. The Bible and the Quran:

So, 2 holy books of 2 biggest religions tell us that earth is flat!

2.Curvature Earth doesn´t exist?

This is just one of thousand photos whitch are taken by normal camera, there are many proves that NASA using fish cam.

3.Route taken by Ferdinand Magellan

As we can see Magellan route doesn't really prove that earth is globe because if Magellan use compas thinking he goes just forward same thing can be explained on flat earth, thst he really can make circle sround north pole....

4. The stars

How is possible that we always see same stars when we rotate around sun and going around galaxy and moving trought space?? One thing more, how is possible see north star fron south part of Earth?? On ball Earth that is only possible if you can watch trought land?

5. South Pole

Why these flaying routes doesnt exist?! Why airplanes can fly above North Pole but it´s forbiden flying above South Pole by Antarctic Treaty System in 1961. ?

I hope i little bit shake up your minds to think about this, i repeat this are facts and we all should ask ouselves some questions about these mystery...soon i will publish new post about new mystery...cheeers!

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