Is the Universe Turing Complete?

Is the universe one big computer program?

This seems to be a hot topic among physicists. One of my favorite Youtube Channels, PBS Space Time, had a segment with Neil deGrasse Tyson. They discussed how likely it is that we are living in a simulation, or computer program.

At 2:56 in the video, Matt O’Dowd, the host of PBS Space Time, claims that "a computer cannot simulate the entire universe because then it would have to be the size of the entire universe. Assuming it's a perfect simulation." (not word for word)

Okay, Professor, I understand your logic. He thinks that there would be a transistor for every indivisible bit in the universe. But what if our universe is encompassed inside a larger universe, with different laws of physics? After all, computer programs we make don't share the laws of physics in our universe. Going further, who is to say the entire universe has to be rendered at the same time?

Perhaps things aren't there if no one is observing them, as demonstrated in the double slit experiment. How many conscious actors are in this universe?

Are black holes stack overflows, memory leaks? Why is the speed of light the fastest anything can go? Is it because the universe is rendering? Why does time slow down the faster an object moves? Is the computer buffering?

Perhaps we are seeing faces in clouds and just trying to comprehend reality.

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