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Beware of virus-infested wallets!

   I was checking out a new crypto today and, surprise, surprise! It was infested with a trojan virus labeled by the anti-virus as "Trojan.MSIL.CoinStealer.on". To put this into perspective, so you don't think it's a false positive: I've had more than 20 wallet programs installed on my computer without any virus detections. I'm using one of the top 2 antiviruses in the world, Kaspersky Internet Security. In more than 7 years of use, it only once gave me a somewhat-false positive when I was using a hacking tool, which was not really a danger for my computer, since I was the one using it.

   The currency in question is called Bata(BTA). Beware of such programs! Always use a great anti-virus to protect yourself from losing all of your coins! If you can't afford one, I recommend getting the absolutely free Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool and scan every wallet before and after installing it!

   Here is the virus detection, and the virus description:

Information taken from

   In plain English, this means that this virus will copy your BitCoin wallet information (and possibly other wallets if it was further developed), send it to the hacker that made the virus, and then delete itself from your computer, so you'll never know it was there!

   I hope you found this article useful. Please upvote it if you did, follow me for more quality content, and resteem if you want to help others protect themselves.