The Truth About By Michael Douranos


Open Letter about

By Michael Douranos — Crypto Investor — Community Manager of deClouds Platform 

Over the last few days, i spent sometime thinking on how moral values stand inside the decentralized world of cryptocurrency. Unfortunately i realized something i already knew, that as on every other aspect of life, profit and morality cannot stand always together, due to the fact that you can’t always gain profit by being moral. And that's where my statement begins.

Since 2011 i’ve been studying cryptocurrency, trading, investing in many different coins and platforms, writing articles in Greek language to inform my fellow Greeks about the benefits of Bitcoin and other currencies. All about crypto, but i never accused any cryptocurrency of being a fraud, or it’s devs to be scammers. Only time and cryptocurrency communities will decide If a cryptocurrency platform is a fraud and its creators scammers. A vast number of projects had great platforms but their marketing campaign was false and they were destroyed. Others had great marketing and a huge community to support them but they never reached their goal and now they are long forgotten.

But there is someone inside the cryptocurrency community that has huge influence on how much and what kind of publicity each of these platforms get! That someone is

If you check the site, on the first page, he has links of slanderous articles that he wrote himself.

 but he doesn’t stop there. He even attacks to many projects, by posting slanderous messages in order to injure their reputation and the credibility of their participants!

Colored Chain, Newbium, Penny Snap, Mineum, Rise and DeClouds (in which i am a member of the team) have been injured by defamation.

But why is this happening? Is it because he has done an amazing research and he discovered that all these projects are scams? Or is it something else entirely?

When deClouds started its ICO a few weeks ago, the CEO and dev of the project was approached by icocountdown to promote the project. In the negotiations that followed asked for 400$ per week to list deClouds project, something that the CEO of deClouds denied due to the high cost! Here is the printscreen of the conversation: 

 But unfortunately, instead of ending the conversation there and maybe even leaving a window of future collaboration open, he started attacking the project by calling it a scam and all of its team scammers.

Please enter here and read the slanderous posts of here:

He has even created a thread in bitcointalk to slander the project more.Our team will do anything legally possible, even contact law enforcement authorities in order to protect our work and our reputation. 

I want to believe that the other projects that are suffering from icocountdown’s behavior will act the same way.

Only the communities have the right and the power to either embrace and follow a cryptocurrency or leave it to rot. 

source :

#scam #declouds #icocountdown #ICO #publisher

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