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Uk car insurers are often cancelling people policies,please sing my petition.Thanks

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My petition:

Stop car insurers cancelling policies,once they have accepted full payment.

I myself have been a victim of car insurers cancelling policy's for after payments was made and an insurance certificate issued.Inusrers currently have no obligation to ensure the policy holder knows the policy is cancelled. This often leave people with potential criminal convictions & large bills.

The financial ombudsman have stated the insurer does not need to ensure letters reach the insured.This put myself & many other hard working honest people in to horrible situations.Somethimes facing debts of thousands of pounds as a result of this being allowed to happen. In many cases this might have been an error by the insurance company.As many people report never getting any letters.I put it that all information should be asked for when the policy is being taken out not afterwards.
