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Bitcoin Scam - Be careful with scammers on discord

A few days back I received a message in discord from some unknown person. I have received similar up messages several times in the past. I usually don't pay attention to such messages and completely ignore it. But this time I was a little bit curious to see what it was all about and just a small thought that it could be true. I have heard from some of my friends that they won from random giveways.

The message looked pretty decent with information as to what we should be doing to claim the gift. The main reason why I was interested and curious was because it said that the coupon was valid only for a day. Even though I have had such experiences in the past, I wanted to give it a try. I clicked the link and the first thing was to register. The site asked me to register which I did.

Until this point of time, I did not have any doubt and wanted to continue with the process. I unfortunately used my proper email address here. But carefully I did not choose a good password or any of my regular passwords. As soon as I applied the coupon code the account had a value of over 600$.It was very surprising for me.

I knew very well that this would be a scam only. So, I thought of withdrawing the money immediately as mentioned in the message. I followed the instructions that were mentioned there. When I hit the withdraw button, it asked me for a Bitcoin address. I quickly grabbed a Bitcoin address and saved it there. One thing here to note was that the message that I received said only 0.008 Bitcoin but after logging in, I got 0.08 Bitcoin which is way to high.

As soon as I hit the submit option to complete the withdraw request, I received the above message. That is when I got the confirmation that this is a perfect scam.

I wanted to write an article as awareness because there are still people who fall in this crappy trap. I have had similar experiences in the past and I managed to escape somehow. As crypto world is pretty new, there are scammers in many places trying to get advantages from the system.