I have an accountant in my room who has a countdown for a very important date for me and that consolidates a transcendent stage of my life. Every time I open my eyes and see it, I think that I am one day closer to such an event and it makes my heart happy. There is still a lot of time left, but if I focused on this fact I could hardly enjoy how the day is getting closer.


We act in this way without even having a visible meter. We ponder how much time will be missing for this or that fact and in that way we estimate how the events that lead us to that goal will be given. Sometimes we do not have clarity about when it will arrive, and when a good time has passed and we do not see anything, we forget that we are in this countdown and stop the meter. We feel that we are so far away that our hope and expectation begins to diminish.

I know very well what I'm talking about and I know you do too. I am sure that you are a person who trusts in the times and plans of God, who believes that He has everything ready for you and that you will soon see His hand in your favor, right? But I also know that there are times when it seems that the accountant stopped or that the countdown started again and there, in the midst of that uncertainty, you cry to God to confirm again that he has not forgotten His plan for you. And what happens is not bad, it does not make you a bad believer or weak in your faith, on the contrary, it makes you be honest and confirm that even believing in the plans of the Father does not depend on you, it also depends on Him.

Those who have a not very positive view of life feel that this is a countdown whose end is death, the common destiny for all humans. Those of us who believe in an eternal God know that life, and being born, is much more than reaching death, that life has just begun there; we live beyond death and it is through it that we know even more fully the power of our God.

Your life is not a countdown to death but to the plans and purposes that God has with you. Each day that passes is one day less towards the fulfillment of your dreams.

Today you are one day closer to seeing your dream come true!

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