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Meaning of generosity.


Christian community! Maybe we have all read about how Jesus fed five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two small fish ... they all ate, there were still twelve baskets of food left.

Jesus, taking bread and giving thanks, distributed the disciples, and the disciples to the reclining, also fished, as many as he wanted. And when they were filled, he said to his disciples: Gather the remaining pieces so that nothing is lost. And they got together and filled twelve baskets with pieces of five loaves of barley left over from those they had. ” (John 6: 11-13)

Generosity is one of God's attributes. One of the qualities of divine nature, one of the components of love, is generosity and abundance. The five thousand people who listened to Jesus not only did not have to starve to death, but received plenty of food. The remains were collected to be able to eat them and nothing had to be thrown away.

Living on this earth as a disciple of Jesus, I have to put on the divine nature. (2 Peter 1: 3-4) This generosity, which is the result of love, can become part of my nature.

Jesus had the same thoughts as the Father. His life on this earth showed how we can receive the same thoughts. As His disciples, we must follow His example in life according to the Word of God, which He left us. In doing so, by rejecting our own will and our desires to follow our Master, we can replace our thoughts with God's thoughts.

As I read this story, I felt the desire to be filled with the spirit of Jesus, his thoughts and the desire to give. Share your time, attention, forgive others (if you have something to forgive). There is nothing good and divine in giving under pressure and not with all your heart. True forgiveness fills your whole heart, and allows you to bless and love who is to blame. God offers us his generosity. Just as there were twelve baskets left, and now God has no shortage.

When you give generously, you bless the people around you. In turn, they act on the people around them. Therefore, nothing is lost. I myself receive a blessing and help create joy and comfort among those around me, and I also become a witness to the strength and miracles that are in Jesus' love for people.

Greed, evil and cruelty are the opposite of divine nature. Generosity and the desire to share with others and bless people are qualities inherent in the disciples of Jesus Christ.

The generation is useful for health. Good deeds make us and others happy. The Bible says: "A man who shows loving kindness benefits his soul, and a cruel person brings misfortune to his body" (Proverbs 11:17). A good person does not save himself for the sake of others. He generously sacrifices his time and energy; those around him are not indifferent. This attitude is rewarded: generosity, among other things, is good for health.