I am absolutely sure that you must know more than one person, or you have a friend or family member, who is tremendously organized, everything is registered and there is no detail that escapes you. He keeps control of the circumstances at all times and does not forget any detail, it's like that in his head everything was ordered with an enviable logic, it's almost like a wedding planner.


I tell you that of those "species" there are many copies, but there is one that could be the head of all. Exactly, that is God. He is the "glider" par excellence. If you do not believe me, just read the gospels and realize that nothing really escaped His divine design. From before the birth of Jesus, He had EVERYTHING planned, all coordinated and all scheduled, when Jesus was born was part of His plan, it was a milestone in the history that he wrote for you and me.

I know that there are times when everything seems to be messy and confused, I have also been in that place and in all the directions I have looked at, I have only encountered difficulties and setbacks, it is as if I did not see an exit. But I've also been on the other side, when you get out of there and everything makes more sense with the passage of time; you look back and manage to order the disconnected points between each other giving you more sense and realizing that God really does not miss detail, everything makes it perfect for us.

As human beings, we have a hard time overcoming uncertainty and letting ourselves go, we have the "wedding planner syndrome" and we would like no event to escape from our agenda, but the truth is that during our lives MANY things will escape from the control of our agenda, but none of God's control. He is tremendously attentive to you and me, designing a perfect plan, designing what makes us good, what we need, and not always what we want. And this is what we often have trouble accepting, God does not do what you want, God does what He wants because He knows you, does not do it capriciously or so that you realize who is the boss, no, God It is not like this. What God does, when you allow it, is to organize your agenda, plan your life and present it little by little so that you can choose if it is what you want or not. He will NEVER impose what he wants on you, because He is not like that, He will humbly make you a proposal and you can decide if you take it or not and when you take it ... it will be available to you.

God does not miss anything, never forget it and that includes you. We have all escaped something that God wants to do in our lives at some point, and all the "roadrunners" have discovered that it is much better to be on the path that He proposes, accept their proposal and learn to love and enjoy what makes us good. .


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