Thai prawns with satay sauce and victoria pineapple sauce

When the cold comes to the end of its nose nothing better than good exotic cuisine, here a Thai dish with shrimps with a sauce of coconut milk, curry, peanut butter and pieces of victoria pineapple! All the flavours are combined with the sweetness of pineapple and peanut butter and a spicy note with ginger and chili pepper!

Victoria pineapple was very popular
by Queen Victoria or the name.
It is cultivated only on Reunion Island. Pineapple considered the best in the world with its very fragrant flesh!

Ingredients for 4 people:

40 cl of coconut milk
500 gr shrimp/gambas
1 red onion
5 cloves of garlic
5 cm ginger ginger
2 tbsp to S of curry powder
1 tbsp. S nuoc mango
1 Brazilian lime juice lemon juice
3 stalks of lemongrass
2 teaspoons peanut butter
2 teaspoons of 5 spices
2 teaspoons satay powder
3 conbawa leaves
50 gr of peanuts
2 small green peppers (very small, very fine)

  • 1 pineapple Victoria
    Thai basil leaf Thai


Grill the peanuts in small pieces in a frying pan and set aside.

Cut an onion very finely in small dice, cut the garlic and cut the ginger into thin strips, slice the lemongrass, and finely cut the green peppers (keep one that will be added at the last moment in the sauce) brown the whole in a frying pan with oil with the conbawa, once the whole golden add the curry, the coconut milk.

Simmer for 15/20 minutes, then add peanut butter, the other finely chopped green pepper, nuoc man and cook for 5 minutes.
Add at the last moment the peeled shrimps on which it will be necessary to cut the top to extract the intestines (black part) to heat them during a few minutes (they do not support the overcooking, once curled they are ready!

Finely cut the Victoria pineapple into thin strips and sprinkle them on the top of the dish with thai basil leaves.
Tip make noodles sautéed with soya beans with it!

Do not overheat the shrimp at the last minute, add a little water to the sauce as peanut butter tends to thicken the sauce. The sauce can be made the day before and cooked in the shrimp on the day before, it will be even better!

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