Proposal for three new communities to spur growth, increase user retention, and incentize investment: Witch Hunters, Flag Wars, and Trolls

I have been thinking long and hard about ways to improve the community and make Steemit better. After giving it a lot of thought, I have finally decided on the following three communities: Witch Hunters, Flag Wars, and Trolls.

I believe these communities are what is needed to take Steemit to the next level by increasing growth and user retention, as well as incentivizing investment in SP. Please provide your feedback in the comments below! Details on how to join the communities are listed at the bottom of the post :-)

Witch Hunters

In order to participate in the witch hunters group, you must first find someone from the community that you do not like. Then, collect a bunch of 'evidence' that makes it seem like they did something really bad. Next, create a post about it!

It is very important that they did not actually do the thing you are accusing them of though, otherwise it ruins the fun.

This is guaranteed to increase growth, because the accused will go and tell all of their friends about the wonderful experience that they had on Steemit! As we all know, word of mouth is the #1 recruitment tool =)

Flag Wars

If someone on the Steemit community has done you wrong in any way, then we encourage you to join the flag wars group!

To participate, write a long detailed post about how you have been wronged, and encourage as many people as possible to start flagging every post and comment that the person posts. The more people that you can drag into your flag war - the better!

It is generally discouraged to try and work out whatever issues you have privately, as this would defeat the purpose of the flag war.

This will for sure increase demand in SP, because as the war escalates to more and more people - users will want to increase their SP in order to do the most damage with their flags. All we need is a few people to try and buy enough SP to win a war against @berniesanders, @dantheman, and @ned - and the price of STEEM is guaranteed to shoot to the moon!


This is probably the best group out of all three. In order to participate in the "Trolls" group, you just have to think of ways to ruin someone's day, make the platform look bad, or just in general be a dick. Our most recent addition @asshole has been doing an amazing job! We highly encourage our members to model themselves after his behavior.

The best part about this group is that anybody can join! Because all of our members have something productive to do with their time on Steemit, they will be sure to stick around for a long time. This solves one of the communities biggest issues - user retention!

How to Join

If you are interested in joining any of these groups, just let me know in the comments below or DM me in You are welcome to join more than one community as well! We would love to have you be a part of all three :-)

(Just in case anyone did not catch it - this post was satire/humor.)

Remember to vote for witnesses!
If you aren't sure who to vote for, check out this Witness Voting Guide.

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