Travel with me #12 .. and gazillion : the Philippines, Japan, Italy, you name it; Smassshtsssj has been there.

Dear Hive Friends:

It's been a while I know, but welcome to yet another blog post of mine!
I can't wait to connect with all of you and hope you really, really enjoy what I have in store for you today.
You'll not believe just how amazing the first landmark is that we are going to explore together.

Located in Rome, Italy, this iconic Trevi-fountain has to be seen to be believed.


I really hope that my photography helped you experience this beautiful landmark the same way that I did.
Rome and its Trevi fountain, in one word ... breathtaking!

So, what is the next amazing place called? Can you guess it? I will not keep you in suspense any longer.
It's Santa Cruz de Tenerife on the Canary Islands.
Stay right to the end to see it as you've never experienced it before!

The Canaries form one of the most attractive regions in Europe.
Although maybe not plainly visible on the picture below (it was a bit hazy that day, me too btw), the Canaries were formed by volcanic activity, many many years ago.


Witness how wind, rain and sun has transformed it into a unique rock formation scattered all over the place - unlike any you have ever seen before.

Having to say goodbye to the magnificent and impressive Canaries filled me with a kind of sadness I can not put into words, you can probably imagine.
If only my next journey was half as overwhelming, I might be able to forget my wonderful time on the Canaries.

Life goes on my Hive friends, so in the plane to ....
Uhh ...



Before I will show you all of my next destination, I have to admit that there was definitely time for a little bit of luxury also.
My hotel was located right in the heart of a new adventure ... yes, Jerkwater, USA.

Breakfast at a hotel says a lot about its quality, style and it shows if a hotel really cares about paying attention to the details.
Most put on pre-made breakfasts that taste stale and contain the same old boring foods.
I am happy to report that my hotel was not one of those!
The spread laid out before me was varied, delicious, but most of all ... mouthwatering.
Simplicity is often best and this was beautifully simple. The chef had done nothing more than provide guests with the freshest, tastiest foods, in their simplest forms.


Incredible! So many smells of yum!
What a great way to start the day.
I was really looking forward to the next landscape I was soon going to explore!

So, Jerkwater, finally!
What an amazing town! Just like the hotel: simplicity at its best.
Why you ask?
Well, Jerkwater has (besides that utterly selfish photobombing countryside ruining, but nevertheless very sexy, hot and making your eyes bulging well-formed body) only two things.
Water and ... Jerks. Nothing more, nothing less.


So lets go quickly to my next stunning adventure far away from the jerks.

From the "jerky" conviviality and simplicity of Jerkwater, I now would like to acquaint you with the beauty of another place at the other end of the world.
Namely the Opera House of Sydney, Australia.
Look how the contours and curves of the playscape slowly but steadily become visible.


Have I said too much?
You let me know in the comments below.

And so comes this post to an end.
Thank you for discovering the beautiful sceneries with me.
I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, and it was lovely to have you travelling along with me.

Thank you also for commenting on my post.
If you liked this blog post of today please give it a huge and gorgeous upvote and make sure you follow me for future blogs as well!
To all my friends on Hive, have a great day.

Till next time!

(disclaimer: possible similarities with other travelblogs are based on pure coincidence)

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