Something about me. ๐Ÿ“š

SAM - Something about me


Yes, you got it right. I love reading books, especially with nice cup of coffee.

I was happy to read the post of my dear friend @roxy-cat last Saturday how much she loves reading. I have to admit I am one of these who are expecting "The Winds of Winter" too. ๐Ÿ˜‰

My favourite writer is still Terry Pratchett and I discovered the wonderful Discworld quite late. I was reading the books in the order they have been published and this is my recommendation for anyone who wish to start reading them. The pleasure is bigger when following story after story in the way the author has created them.

Here are some of my books. They are not only from the Discworld series and I got others translated in Bulgarian, as well as e-books.


When I piled them to take the photo, Furry came to see what I am doing.


I found a book that contains short stories from his early years of writting and I am going to read it during the holiday season. I am going to stay home longer and if the weather will be cold, this will be great time for the book and nice warm drink.


Now it is much more convenient to read e-books. There are a lot of advantages. You can have a whole library in your electronic device and the freedom of reading any place, any time, day and night. This is how I used the time commuting. Each day I spend 2 and half hours approximately to go to work and then back home. Time enough to read lots of books and obviously in winter when it is dark outside, the best is the e-book.

But nothing can completely substitute the feeling of holding the book and smelling the paper and ink and it is much more pleasant.

Let me finsh with some quotes from Terry Pratchett's books.

โ€œDo you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?โ€
โ€• Going Postal

You will live always Sir Terry Pratchett. People will never stop reading your books.

And to show you some of his subtle sense of humour, here are some more quotes.

โ€œA marriage is always made up of two people who are prepared to swear that only the other one snores.โ€
โ€• The Fifth Elephant

โ€œTaxation, gentlemen, is very much like dairy farming. The task is to extract the maximum amount of milk with the minimum amount of moo.โ€
โ€• Jingo

โ€œA path cleared itself for Lord Vetinari, as paths do for men known to have dungeons in their basement.โ€
โ€• Making Money

โ€œNanny Ogg looked under her bed in case there was a man there. Well, you never knew your luck.โ€
โ€• Lords and Ladies

Something About Me or SAM is a challenge hosted by @bluemoon.


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