Hello Steemians 2019

Sam-Saturday on Monday.

Thanks to @bluemoon

I am a part-timer at most things in my life.

I lately have had a slight case of depression so somethings have been neglected. I have peeked in on you all. I will atempt to be more present in time.

Now this does not excuse me and I really do enjoy my friends and supporters.

Abbi and I are both healing from being sick in the last few weeks. Love the healing times.

We had a Family gathering and photos were taken. The first one I am sharing is top left My first son, in the middle top my youngest son, and the top right is my middle son. Bottom left to right. My only living sister, my daughter-in-law and meself.


This next one is my sister and I together for tje first time in years with smiles on our faces.


Love to all

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