Grateful for 2023


What a year that was! It was a year of adventures, discoveries, and realizations. I must say there were uos and downs but the good times outweigh the bad ones. It was thus far my most relaxed year. There were things I wish did not happen, but there most definitely were a lot of things to be thankful for.

One of the things I am most thankful for is time. The time I spent with people that mattered to me. The time people spent on me, it made me feel loved and special. The timr I get to spend with my daughter in our homeschooling journey. The moments my hisbamd and I share with each other. The memories that our little family made, which hopefully remains as a core memory to our little warior princess.


Another to be thankful for is the gift of choice. I enjoyed this so much last year, I am so grateful of it. It has been a long time since I last felt like I'm in survival mode. I am thankful that I can choose to homeschool. I am grateful that I can be a full time stay at home mom and take care of my little family. I realize that not everyone has that kind of choice and I went through that point where I felt like I had no other option but to choose the lesser evil. Now I can choose a stress free way of living. And that is something I appreciate so much.

Last year. I was given so many opportunities too. I was given the chance to be a temporary furmom to four little kittens who were thrown away like they meant nothing. I was given a chance to give them a better life. Now, 2 of them have been adopted and are living the life with their amazing fur parents. I still have 2 under my custody, hopefully they'll find a forever home. I was also given a chance to take care of little Awit even for just a very short time. I'd like to take this chance to thank @demotry for the Christmas gift during our exchange gift in HivePH. Two cat rescue houses received those gifts. I hope to be able to give more to them this year.


One of the biggest realizations I had last year was that I could do so much more, I was just too afraid to try. I started our homeschool year a lot earlier than everybody, now I am enjoying the fruits of that gamble. I also learned that I could crochet faster than I thought I would, the only person holding me back is myself. Now I can truly say that learning does not stop when you've gained some age. It does not end when you get those diploma. These lessons make me feel so much better about myself, making me more capable of feeling positive about the people that surround me. I am grateful for all the lessons in 2023 and am looking forward to more of these in 2024.

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Last year, I got to meet so many new friends. I'd like to think that they are my friends. I loved spending time with them and getting to know them. I hope they also had fun getting to know me. If not, well, I'll try my best this year. I am also grateful for old friends that stuck with me through thick and thin. I am thankful for all of my friendships built, old and new. You have all made my 2023 so colorful and fun. Also, thanks sa talong @adamada. Demo did give me extra for that eggplant per your request.

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And finally, I am thankful for my little family. For my husband who doesn't always get me but still loves me nonetheless. I am grateful for my daughter. Her wit and candor combined always keep me on my toes. I love her to bits. Everything I've done for the whole year are all inspired by these two people and having them in my life is the best thing that has ever happened to me.


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