Yes, The Sabbath, Again! Read b/n The Lines!

Woke up, did the usual routine. Trying my best to get back into the routine after many reflections on memories and comparisons to how many people don't want to try and do good. Who are told by so many around them "If it feels good to you, it's OK".

Without CARING about anything or anyone. No matter if it is fact or not, no matter how dangerous it is to deny possibilities and ideas. "Typical Snoblike" attitude.

Yet, life is so full of potential, with so many possibilities when one accepts GOoDness, GOoDliness. However, this is yet again, rejected in any way possible, due to the evil around us, the evils of mankind from our past and present. The pure evil by which mankind constantly divides all humans in so many ways so that some humans may get power over them and to feel like dictators, wanna be "gods".

How many times have we seen that scenario play out through the course of mankinds history!

God bless you all.

Wish everyone all the love and GOoDness that exists out there.

Read more:

The Truth of It | Destroying Woke Classroom Politics | A Tale of Two Cities | Ep. 69

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