Running Journal #7: Enough is Enough

I couldn’t keep breaking those records every day, that’s for sure and today it was only my ‘Second fastest time’ on this route.


I think those hike’s I’m doing are having some effect on my body, as I was suffering a little from sore calves this morning before my 7.30am run. This time it was the slightly longer route and I had to deter @bingbabe from making me do an even longer one that is well over 5km.

I noticeably stopped more, and for longer periods but what the hell, this is no race and no personal challenge either besides losing some flab. I doubt the fat will disappear quicker if I am pushing myself every day in order to gain a new personal best.

At one point @bingbabe glanced over at me noticing the pained look and said, ‘Smile a bit more’, yeah really! It’s taking all my concentration to keep going, smiling takes effort.

I do love being close to the Leeds/Liverpool canal, as in the summer you see many different things on the banks and the water, like this barge (above) that was moored for the night.


Taking some snaps breaks up the running, and gives me a breather. So I have done this same run 46 seconds quicker several days ago. I really am not bothered and am now taking the weekend off without any more running.

I used the new running shoes today for the first time, at least for running. They are really comfortable. Its amazing what some proper shoes can do for you.

Monday is another hike for me probably around Bronte country; it looks like a nice one.







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